Search results

  1. Chestle

    Cheap Ammo - Kansas City Area Pickup

    Here’s the Black Cloud pic Also Winchester Blind Side, 12ga, 3 1/2”, BB, 1 5/8oz, 1400fps, steel. Retail Bass Pro $45, take all for $100, $20 per box
  2. Chestle

    Cheap Ammo - Kansas City Area Pickup

    My neighbor is moving far, far away and the movers will not take ammo. So he’s selling some at basically half price. I’m helping him out and sold a bunch to my clay shooting group. Here is some hunting ammo somebody might want. I can arrange to meet up around the KC area. Case of 10...
  3. Chestle

    Pheasant Fest 2025 KC

    Just my opinion but Jess & Jim’s is not what it used to be. About a year ago we tried it for a late lunch and a month later for an evening meal. Both of us unimpressed with the steaks. Actually we both had some intestinal distress after the second one. Place isn’t real clean and kept up like it...
  4. Chestle

    Pheasant Fest 2025 KC

    Meat Mitch and Char Bar are owned by the same guy, Mitch Benjamin. Char Bar is the cloth napkin BBQ place, Meat Mitch has more BBQ joint vibe. I like Meat Mitch of the two. Get to Slap's early; there's usually a long line for lunch and they do sell out of some stuff. Danny Edwards is busy at...
  5. Chestle

    Pheasant Fest 2025 KC

    Those that visit should be sure to try some of KC's notable BBQ joints. While it's always easy to start an argument about the "best" BBQ, it's hard to deny that KC has developed a world renowned and well-liked style. Arthur Bryant's and Gates are two that reach WAY back into KC Q history...
  6. Chestle

    Brush pants with zipper legs

    Dan’s 👍🏼👍
  7. Chestle

    Looking for a New O/U

    Yes, in the 80s Orions were SKBs. Amongst the 6 SKBs of various gauges resting in the safe there is a 12ga Orion. Great shotguns. Why not get another SKB? They are around at reasonable prices. SKB Omaha has the parts and expertise to handle any problems that occur. I picked up a VERY nice SKB...
  8. Chestle

    Would like your insight on a purchase for pheasant hunting

    Hat and vest is enough orange.
  9. Chestle

    Victor Dog Food

    My labs get a cup morning and night when not hunting. 1.5 twice a day when hunting. That holds their weight and keeps them in good shape. More efficient metabolizing? I don’t know. It’s working well for me. YMMV
  10. Chestle

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    I’ve seen that probably ten times over the decades. I’m saying I saw the bird hit the wire with my own eyes. Usually a hen too.
  11. Chestle

    Victor Dog Food

    I’m getting Next Level Performance Plus 40lb for $52 at the local feed store. Dogs like it and are doing well on it.
  12. Chestle

    Victor Dog Food

    So how much for a big bag of EDF?
  13. Chestle

    Victor Dog Food

    The two guys that started Victor literally built their own plant themselves. They were there from the ground up. Never had a recall while they owned it. They sold it to a private equity firm in 2020. I now see how that worked out. The original Victor guys moved nearby after the sale, built a...
  14. Chestle


    "DO BETTER KDWP" They won't. KDWP is all about deer hunting now. Plus, they are happy with unregulated guiding services and the huge amount of leasing money coming into the state. How many upland hunters does it take to match the impact of one guide outfit paying $10K to lease a good deer parcel?
  15. Chestle


    Making their gear in China ruined Cabela's. There was a time when Cabela's gear was well made and well designed for the outdoors. At that time, Bass Pro was the cheap, poorly designed Chinese versions. Some idiot at Cabela's, probably a Harvard B school grad, decided to go the China route and...
  16. Chestle

    What would your reaction be?

    If you do drop a dime on guys like that and a KDWP officer finds them in violation I would think you had better be a hundred miles away as quickly as possible. They would likely want some payback if they saw your vehicle parked at a motel that night.
  17. Chestle


    Stopped me.
  18. Chestle

    Water in the field...

    It’s in The 70s. Long hikes you might want to carry some with you.
  19. Chestle

    28 guage

    Everybody knows a 28ga Modified with 1oz of 5s won’t kill pheasant at 35 yards.
  20. Chestle


    I just came back from Saskatchewan a week ago. Almost no ducks around, very few Canadas but we limited on specks three days in a row and came home with possession limits. Just hasn't been cold enough to move them down yet.