Search results

  1. RussnHunter

    scaled quail hunting

    Hi all, As I think the pheasant's need a break for the year, I would like to try some quail hunting. I live in Morrison Colorado and would like any advise on where to look for scaled quail. Habitat I should be looking for and such. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, RussnHunter
  2. RussnHunter

    Going pheasant hunting new years weekend

    Hi all, Unfortunately have not had the time to go out this year, my wife finally is kicking me and Hunter out to go over the new year weekend. I was looking at the Holyoke/Yuma area....hunted there for years. If anyone has gone in the last couple weeks I would really appreciate any input/advise...
  3. RussnHunter

    New member

    Hi all, My Name is Russ and my Dog's name is Hunter. He is a 3 year old Brittany. Been a rough year, have not been out yet. Looking to hit Yuma and Holyoke for new years...any advise...I have been hunting for about 30 years off and on..being more serious the last 10 years. I am really anxious...