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  1. Kal

    Lost my friend

    [reposted from main bird dog forum to see if any of you around the upper mid-west know of anyone mixing setters and goldens.] Toby, my 15-month-old Irish Setter/Golden Retriever was hit and killed by the rural school bus in front of my farm yesterday afternoon. What a loss. As my wife said this...
  2. Kal

    Lost my friend

    Toby, my 15-month-old Irish Setter/Golden Retriever was hit and killed by the rural school bus in front of my farm yesterday afternoon. What a loss. As my wife said this morning when we woke up at the usual time we'd take Toby for his morning walk, "This f@cking sucks." Amen, dear... Amen. If...
  3. Kal

    Minnesota winter is here

    and the birds are hunkering down but we found a couple! Anyone else make it out in the snow today?
  4. Kal

    So proud...

    Last night I took a couple of the High Schoolers from church out for a walk through a nice piece of CREP that I hadn't hunted yet this season and we had a blast. 5 birds (3 guys) plus 3-4 others that were missed so we easily could have had our 6th bird and limited out but the real fun came on...
  5. Kal

    Hello from SW Minnesota

    Glad I found these forums, have been looking for a place to share stories with other hunters. Been lucky enough to get out a ton already this season with a lot of success. Not sure where everyone else is hunting in MN but it has been a great hunt so far for Toby and I. Thought I'd attach a pic...