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  1. K

    New Law

    Limits do nothing for long term population...
  2. K

    New Law

    Forgot to mention I hate dog trainers.. I feel bad for.the dogs. My first bird dog requires no training just love and affection...
  3. K

    New Law

    Good luck....
  4. K

    New Law

    The very fact you're having this conversation means things are getting tight.
  5. K

    New Law

    Just wait unfortunately it will be like ks..... Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia, Tennessee, north and south Carolina, and many other states converging.... I'd like not drive more than 4 hours for birds but I'm tired of fighting for public ground....
  6. K

    Lots of hunters

    I'm there because we're infested with out of state hunters from everywhere..... killed a lot of birds in ks prior years but recently have felt the need to get away from everyone...
  7. K

    Miles City Area

    All I can say is there's a lot of ground tocover... don't care what dog you have just make sure there up for some walking!
  8. K

    Here's my trips I've planned for fall.

    Give me a shout if in the js region for bird hunting. First time post but have monitored the bird talks on this post..