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  1. B

    Who has lost one or found one in the parking lot?

    Happy that ended well for you & your pup, Drew..!
  2. B

    Who has lost one or found one in the parking lot?

    If you can't get the binos cleaned up to your satisfaction, I'm sure the Swarovski Company in RI can get them back to normal for you? You might be pleasantly surprised. Good find, BTW..!
  3. B

    Who has lost one or found one in the parking lot?

    Years ago a friend I used to hunt quail with, was out by himself. He had a couple of bird dogs and when he got back to his truck, he laid his Citori 20 gauge on top of his dog box. You guessed it, a mile down the gravel road, he remembered he had inadvertently left it up there! He drove back...
  4. B

    Who has lost one or found one in the parking lot?

    Good stories, gentlemen! There are still some good, honest people out there, not matter what we hear on the news, or our TV's. Keep the stories coming...
  5. B

    Who has lost one or found one in the parking lot?

    I found a Browning Citori laying off a gravel road a few years ago. I drove to the nearest authority and told them and by that time, the police were already notified of the hunters loss. He was notified I had it and he called me to set up a meet. The gentleman had laid it on top of a dog box...
  6. B

    How's the snow cover N/C SD now..?

    Thank you, gentlemen! I had not heard of the "Forest Service Snow Depth Map" or 'Weather Street', either - thank you! I will check them both out now. I was told about SD511 and have been checking their cameras in the state. (I had NO idea so many cameras were watching the roads..?) You guys...
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    How's the snow cover N/C SD now..?

    I TRY to go around the drifts, although at times it's hard to! I imagine more snow and cold will concentrate the birds IN the cattails then..? Good points, Limitless, thanks! (y)
  8. B

    How's the snow cover N/C SD now..?

    Thanks for your detailed report Limitless, on your findings, so far..! Much appreciated for taking the time to write it up..! I'm heading out to the n/c area of SD soon. Here in IL it's about 10" on the ground right now and hard to get through in some places for an older veteran..but, I keep...
  9. B

    How's the snow cover N/C SD now..?

    Thank you, haymaker - I appreciate your response!
  10. B

    How's the snow cover N/C SD now..?

    Hi, guys! I'm ready to head over to SD soon and was just wondering about the snow depth by now? I know it's a huge area, but just wondering how deep it is in areas/ Thanks and best of luck w/ your season! BrittmanII