Search results

  1. Agall84

    Used 20 gauge

    Hey everyone, wondering if anyone here is looking to sell any 20 gauge o/u. Looking for 26 or 24 inch barrels. I’m looking for something used I can take to upper Michigan for woodcock and grouse. Thank you
  2. Agall84

    South Central

    Did you come across any bobs?
  3. Agall84

    Honest question!!!!

    Hoping I don’t get destroyed for this question…how do you get access to the ihap properties? Can you walk up do you need a permit? Thank you
  4. Agall84

    Iowa quail

  5. Agall84

    Iowa quail

    Hey Remy, I know my post was a little aggressive if that’s the term, I guess with the season coming to a close and only Mondays off of work I was hoping for a little direction being that I’m probably about 3 hours from any decent hunting areas of Iowa. I totally understand the idea that I should...
  6. Agall84

    Iowa quail

    Hey guys, anyone have any luck in northern part of Iowa for bobwhites? I was interested in taking my 2 year old Ryman out and hopefully onto a covey or two one last time for the year. I know not to ask for spots but any public areas I might have some luck? Thanks in advance