I don’t understand the rattle snake fear, I have never seen one while bird hunting, antelope, deer bow yes.
They really are not that common in most of ND.
I really would like to know why there is such a shortage of upland ammo? ( or ammo in general) thought most was US made?
Covid is long over, I understand why the prices are higher. cant believe that their are that many more people hunting.
Just got back from a trip in the area. Lots of snow were the birds are. Must have seen 1000 Hungarian. Mule deer were rutting . We filled out 1 of 3 days. The birds see you coming and do not hold. We got our birds on deep draws with woody cover , real prime private ground and sunflowers next to...
I to shoot a Monti for upland in a 20 , like it better than Ethos . Shot a lot of rounds though a 870 as a kid. 1100 s and super x as I got older. SBE is not a pheasant gun , shoot what you have.
? I shot a lot of competition targets when I was younger. I always wondered way the old shooters played with so many shooting gimmicks? I was young with great reflexes, good eyesight, muscle mass , and youth. I could pick up about any shotgun and hit the targets. I am most days a decent shot...
Precision ag is great for large areas, not such a easy sell for newer, larger equipment. Easy to farm though poor ground in small areas and farm the program. It looks good on paper but making it work is not so easy. Some areas on my property the non- productive areas are small , when you are...
The CRP program needs major reform if for wildlife, the rental rates are not realistic in todays world.
With that being said to make CRP productive to wildlife it’s currently a government boondoggle costing taxpayers with little benefit to wildlife or environment.
No liability for hunting on private property to landowners in ND , and SD ,hard to believe it’s still any other way in the Midwest?
maybe wrong with other states?
What hunter with a hound would shoot across a road?
I have seen more resident, locals , shoot and scoot than non-residents in my...
Have worn a boyt strap vest for 20 years , recently switched to a Banded strap vest. I like the water bottle storage on the banded vest. The boyt will never were out.
Softy , better days ahead! All kidding hunt when you can, not a fan of moving birds when the weather is terrible , may be hard on the population? Never seen any studies on flushing upland birds during sub zero weather?
Funny idea’s- ND waterfowl hunting by out of state hunters was hated in the 80s by some ND residents due to out of state hunters leasing up land. I was a member of a wildlife association near Fargo there number 1 complaint was out of state hunters.
I left that organization due to the agenda they...
Going to it a chance , south of the interstate near Hebron, guessing it’s going to be tough, Friday, Saturday, any takers ? Have a party of 3 currently,