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  1. KwickLabs

    South Dakota "reality"

    While scouting/hunting in the middle of nowhere on a "back trail" near Eureka, I came across a "photo" that just had to be taken. "old and forgotten"
  2. KwickLabs

    "water roading"

    Well, we're up to "free roading" 5 miles per day on land, but the dogs needed a "change of pace". It's easier on the pads and joints. :) "water roading in the resistance mode" :D
  3. KwickLabs

    Jim B.

    I'm new to this forum. Pheasants and waterfowling have been a passion of mine for many years. Last year my vet invited me to hunt South Dakota with his regular group. I'm headed back out there with him this season, too. My four dogs are ready. :)