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  1. Golddog

    Love Kid Rock's Hat!!!

    Scout approves!
  2. Golddog

    Goldador retriever wanted

    Just get a Golden and shave the right side of its body down to 1 1/4" and leave the left side natural. When the dog is on your left she's a lab when she's on your right she's a golden. Problem solved or spend 3500 on a gucci pet
  3. Golddog

    Goldador retriever wanted

    My neighbor has an IrishDoodle. (Setter/Poodle WHY?) Nice pet for the kids, most obnoxious animal on the planet. Dumb as a rock, scared of everything, and the loudest living creature on Earth at all hours of the night. Please come steal this dog. Not gonna lie, I was ecstatic when their...
  4. Golddog

    Goldador retriever wanted

    What could possibly be the advantage for this mix? Long hair or shorter hair? I know people think they reinvented the wheel with a Goldador but what's to gain? The dogs do the same thing, the same way. Every one I've ever encountered looked more like a lab and was an accidental breeding sold...
  5. Golddog

    2024 gear review...what worked and what didn't?

    Absolutely the best pants I have ever worn. Hunted at 68 degrees to -5 (with light long johns). I had to buy a second pair.
  6. Golddog

    MN DNR Survey

    I'm fine with 9 am start but also would be ok with the 2 bird limit for the season if we could hunt all of January.
  7. Golddog

    Vikings game

    Darnold lost a lot of money last night. He should schedule an appointment at the vision clinic today. OL and DL were non-existent. Did we see a professional sport team actually give up with 9 minutes to play??? You're paid millions to play a game and you quit?? Predictable play calling both...
  8. Golddog

    Golden Retrievers allowable hunting temps

    Oh we touched it. The land owner brings his kids out. It’s great to see kids out there hunting and enjoying the dogs. It’s saved for deer hunting. We get on there once a year. There’s grass, cattails ,trees and a food plot. It’s a quarter so it’s hard to say how many are in there. We moved...
  9. Golddog

    Golden Retrievers allowable hunting temps

    It was 0 degrees -15 to -20 WC this weekend in SD. Snapped this picture before we pushed into an untouched slough. I've hunted this dog at -15 and he loves it.
  10. Golddog

    Here Kitty Kitty

    No nails and its not unheard of to hear of mountain lion sightings in the area. Not the first time for me to find tracks in MN.
  11. Golddog

    Here Kitty Kitty

    Found this track in SE MN on Friday. Heel pad didn't show on the picture. Size 11.5 boot for reference. Kinda forgot that we aren't the only ones out hunting.
  12. Golddog

    Deer Season is Upon Us

    Before I got tired of deer hunting I would also carry my slug set up and an encore pistol. i guess the times have changed because I remember this situation from gun safety class with the CO in 1987. No birdshot on you when deer hunting. However you want to do it I wish you luck and safety. But...
  13. Golddog

    Deer Season is Upon Us

    You can shoot slugs out of a bird barrel. It used to be very common. I shot a lot of deer that way. I've even used a smooth bore slug barrel pheasant hunting becasue we filled out and I was a punk kid that didn't want to swap out the barrel. (only hungarian partidge I even harvested in MN...
  14. Golddog

    Deer Season is Upon Us

    You cannot have bird shot and slugs in your gun while deer hunting. You would get rung up by a CO in a heartbeat. Whoever told you that must not like you. You are still in the process of deer hunting with a legal shotgun loaded with illegal projectiles
  15. Golddog

    Hunting with two dogs.

    Goose, what's a crate got to do with dogs fighting over birds? I had my youngest pup at a game farm last year for the sole purpose of training not hunting and you gave us two thumbs down. Ok that’s nice but that training help establish rules and guess what my dogs don’t fight over birds or play...
  16. Golddog

    Gear Recommendations - Mid-December First Timer

    T shirt- long sleeved T shirt- hooded sweatshirt. I’m good to 15 degrees depending on the wind. Boot dryers and 2 pairs of boots with the extra in the truck. What looks like a frozen slough, probably isn’t frozen enough in the cattails.
  17. Golddog

    Hunting with two dogs.

    Well I guess training your dogs would help stop that but you know they’re from montane, only one of the parents hunt and thwy were basically free so there is no need.
  18. Golddog

    Gear Recommendations - Mid-December First Timer

    Neck gaiter or anything to protect your neck from the cold wind. I have spent most of my working career outside and I can wear a lot less clothing when my neck is warm. You’ll have to find the right balance between sweating, just being comfortable, or cold. Warm hat, but breathable. Layers you...
  19. Golddog

    Lets See Your some pic's

    Scout, 11 years old