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  1. W

    Familys First Bird Dog

    That is great info guys, and pretty much the answer I expected. Being that something like this is a significant investment and adding someone to the family, I have no trouble spending the money if it is justified.
  2. W

    Familys First Bird Dog

    Thanks for the initial feedback guys! As you alluded to remy, knowing how much of a whirlwind some of the young GSPs can be is part of the reason why I'm at least considering other breeds, even though I know full well how dang good they are in the field and in the home....but part of that is me...
  3. W

    Familys First Bird Dog

    Hi all, First post here. Been lurking for some time. Grew up in Northern MN chasing grouse, and have almost always had either GSP or GWP in our family. Now that I have an environment conducive to owning our first bird dog, I've got the blessing from the "admiral". We have a daughter who...