Search results

  1. Munster927

    Small Munsterlander Pups Available

    Hey All, I had a second litter with my female Small Munsterlander and have 2 male pups available. Reach out if interested or if you know of anyone looking for a pup. The first litter had some fantastic pups so I'm expecting the same this second go around. One of them will also be staying with me...
  2. Munster927

    Upland Jacket With A Hood

    Anyone have any recommendations on a light weight upland jacket with a hood that comes in blaze orange (sorry Goose)? I know Orvis makes one, but man for $400, idk if it's worth it (unless someone can really sell me on it). Curious if anyone's tried some of the Pyke jackets or Chief Upland? Not...
  3. Munster927

    MN DNR Survey

    Keep a look out in your mail for a survey from the DNR. I'm assuming it's going out to anyone who bought a pheasant stamp. Sounds like a couple changes are being discussed (All of which would require the legislature to approve, I believe, 2 for sure). It asks about how much you support or...
  4. Munster927

    Final Rise Vest Sale

    Noticed online the other day that GoHunt is having a 20% off sale on certain brands and that Final Rise vests are included in the sale. For anyone like me that was keeping their eye on those vests for awhile knows they never seem to go on sale directly through Final Rise. Just wanting to share...
  5. Munster927

    In Field Dog First Aid Kit

    I'm working on putting together an in field dog first aid kit that would go in a small pouch on my bird vest. Curious what sort of things you guys use or recommend here. I already have a full on first aid kit that I got from Gun Dog Supply that has all the goodies in it, but that's obviously...
  6. Munster927

    Which Barrel First For Over/Under

    Since I grabbed my first over/under shotgun, I'm curious which barrel you guys shoot first. My dad's been shooting an over/under for over 30 years and has always used his top barrel first. I'll probably use my under first after reading various things online but it got me curious what the folks...
  7. Munster927

    O/U Oil And Grease

    Picked up my first O/U last night and in reading through the manual it stated for the oil finished stocks to use Danish oil or Tung oil and not to use any gun oil on the wood. This gun is the first oil finished stock I've ever owned so curious how those of you with oil finished stocks clean up...
  8. Munster927

    For Sale: 1952 Marlin 336 RC .35 Remington

    I know we all like shotguns most here but my dad has a 1952 Marlin 336 RC .35 REM for sale. I have an idea of value on it using Gun Broker and True Gun Value, he's thinking $800 is fair given what others have sold for in auctions. He has gotten a couple trade in offers from shops local but...
  9. Munster927

    Preferred 20 Gauge Shell

    Pulled the trigger today on ordering my first over under. I have a 20 gauge Citori 725 Feather on order through Scheels that's supposed to be here in about a week and would like some shell recommendations. The gun can shoot 2.75 or 3 inchers, anyone see much difference that shoots a 20? I use...
  10. Munster927

    Nebraska Legislature Considers Raiding Game Fund
  11. Munster927

    Dog Dies While At Trainer

    Re-posting a news article I shared over on the Minnesota forum about a dog who died while at a trainer. As I mentioned on the other thread, not looking to bash the trainer personally or professionally as I don't know the full story or what exactly happened, just posting for awareness...
  12. Munster927

    Dog Dies While At Trainer

    Anyone else hear about this? Just saw it on the local news last night. Obviously not looking to bash anyone who knows the trainer personally or professionally, but seems like a bad deal all around.
  13. Munster927

    Browning Dura Touch Recall Repair

    Just shipped off my Browning Maxus to Browning today to have the Dura Touch coating repaired. No clue how long it will take, fingers crossed I get it back before turkey season in April as that's my primary turkey gun. Anyone here have to send theirs into Browning before? How did the work turn...
  14. Munster927

    2023 Season

    How was everyone's opener? Any reports? I didn't get out for the opener but am heading out for 5 days starting Thursday morning.
  15. Munster927

    Minnesota Prairie Chicken Society Survey

    Got the new issue of the Minnesota Prairie Chicken Society newsletter this morning and read about an interesting survey they're doing. Just passing along for anyone hunting prairie chickens or sharp tails up in the NW part of the state.
  16. Munster927

    Prairie Chicken

    I got drawn in the chicken lottery again so I'll be heading up to prairie chicken country in a few weeks. Anyone else here get picked this year?
  17. Munster927

    Garmin Alpha 100 VS 200/300

    Wondering how many of you guys that used to run the Alpha 100s have upgraded to the 200/300s? I see Garmin just came out with the 300 recently and am considering an upgrade as I like the sounds of a few features but trying to decide if those features warrant the cost. Anyone upgrade and happy...
  18. Munster927

    Lodging Options

    Anyone have any tips or places to look at for lodging around the Regent/Hettinger area? There doesn't seem to be a lot of options in the area (outside of a castle themed hotel in Regent, what's up with that?). Considering a trip there this fall and not seeing a ton of options and curious where...
  19. Munster927

    Pheasant Survey

    Hey All, Does anyone know if ND publishes the survey they do each year? I can seem to only find the overview of the survey that Game and Fish sends out. When MN does their count each year, they publish the actual survey with maps and graphs, showing some extra information and was hoping ND does...
  20. Munster927

    Drawer System or Leer Locker

    Anyone here have either a drawer system for their trucks (Decked, TruckVault or DIY) or a Leer Locker/Cap Pack? Been debating purchasing one or making a DIY drawer system and I'm curious if you think it was worth it or is it an idea that's good on paper that wasn't needed?