Search results

  1. K

    Best breed for finding cripples

    Well Labrador , I do similar drill with my Brittanys and a friends short hair has picked it up as well . I think main factor is dog marking hit bird and a dog that will follow foot scent / trained to do so
  2. K

    Huge Day for Ace!!!

    Thanks for the pictures and great story , the dogs , their methods , style , stories of how they develop are some of my favorite reads on this site . Great post !!!
  3. K

    Limit of Sharps

    Nice Labs , smart to take the Labs what a fine scouting trip !,,
  4. K

    ~ STORM IN THE UPLANDS ~ The Lad is Cracking

    Great pictures , I have heard poodles are top notch hunting dogs, point and retrieve ?
  5. K

    Finally got out with Tinker

    Nice Job Tinker , glad you got out , I like a dog that will relocate on a bird . Thanks for the story and pictures .
  6. K

    MEA Saturday Hunt Report

    Good Girl , The dog work and the great outdoors my favorite part of the hunt , congratulations , thanks for the pictures , looking forward to the Kansas opener .
  7. K

    A couple firsts, a couple questions

    Congratulations!!! From what I remember you hunted all last year with out a rooster . The first bird often comes the hardest , hats off to you for sticking with it , practicing and shooting clays. We would love to see the picture if you had a chance to share it !!!
  8. K

    A Few Firsts

    Congratulations to your wife on her first bird , which dog got the bird work ? The pup or the ole pro ?
  9. K

    MEA Saturday Hunt Report

    Nice !!! Congratulations to you and you’re pup . French Brittany? How was the scenting conditions ? Your dog retrieve all birds ?
  10. K

    Sunset Point

    I think it Fancy when they lift there front leg , I know it’s pretty instinctive . Bree is a fin looking dog for sure . Maybe Mi- Forster will post his Britt to she is a nice little dog and a sister from another litter to my dog .
  11. K

    Sunset Point

    Hadn’t been on the site for a while and thought I would see if I could post a picture and had this one cued up . Sounds like the the hatch across pheasant country should be good here is looking forward to a new season !!
  12. K

    Sunset Point

  13. K

    Public Land Prizes

    MIForester and I have been visiting about making a trip to the prairies of Nebraska and this year we could make our schedule work out to hunt together for a few days . Here Forester is with two super dogs they happened to be sisters Bella Toms dog on screen left and My dog Ginger . I wish I shot...
  14. K

    Prairie Pounders

    I hunted the Kansas opener in the Northeast side of the state with not quite as much bird contact as I had hoped . The second weekend of the season I met up with MI Forester and we ran the Praires of western Neb . These pictures are from pounding the prairies of western Kansas . How is...
  15. K

    German whirehair

    I have a hunting buddy that is looking for a wire hair , he is looking for a line that performs well as a waterfowl dog and serviceable in the uplands . Any leads or input on breeders or upcoming litters would be much appreciated. Thanks Ksbrittman
  16. K

    3 -6x12 chain link dog runs for sale

    3 - 6x12 dog runs and 3 dog houses for sale The end panels with gates are pretty new , the back panels and 12 long panels have some age on them and a bit of rust . Dog house door cut out Sized for K- 9 condo doors Picked up in Topeka it’s all yours for $200.00 It will be on this site for...
  17. K

    OF Birds ,Brittany’s and Bismuth

    I hunted most of my normal pheasant and Quail spots in the Smoky hills region of Kansas , I would say numbers down a bit from last year , The areas I hunted in the Glaciated Plains are Quail down on where I have permission . I have. Heard positive reports from the Southern High plains ...
  18. K

    Public Land Prizes / Christmas Break

    What better way to spend a few days between Christmas and New Years than chasing pheasants , My youngest hunting buddy with his shorthair that helped him put these birds in the bag . 2nd day of the hunt as well as 1st day all pheasants were runners and led us on tracks of 100yds or more Much...
  19. K

    New Kennel Build

    I Built a new metal building at my house to store equipment and have , a work shop and decided it would be nice to intergrate Kennels , bird cleaning station and inside Kennels . So far I have really enjoyed it and I know the dogs are liking it to .
  20. K

    In Praise of the Double trigger SxS 20 ga

    My SXS is a double trigger Cabela’s Dickinson 20 gauge , little gun shoots where I look as long as my form and mechanics are right .Quail and pheasant are mine main quarry but I have taken Dove , Ducks , geese and prairie chicken . Gun is steel shot compatible and has Teague type screw on chokes...