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  1. K

    2022 season photos IOWA

    Nice Remy , love hearing about your hunts !!!
  2. K

    All things being equal?

    Looks like about 170 pellets in lead 5’s and 155 #4 Bismuth that an ounce it each
  3. K

    All things being equal?

    I bought a case of #4 1 ounce 3 inch 20 ga Kent Bismuth and , I have found that it hits similar to lead 5’s , I have tripled on geese , mallards and had very good results on Roosters . Pellet count should be close to lead 5’s because Bismuth is a bit lighter .
  4. K

    Good days in Kansas

    Welcome aboard Blue Sky , congratulations on your hunt !!! Love to see a picture or two of your hunt .
  5. K

    Best cover type for pointing dogs

    I have always liked a large stand of native grass / CRP about its second or third year after be planted . Good mix of grass and weeds , work edges that are close to crops , put a good pointing dog into the wind and let them / there nose let you know where the birds are .
  6. K

    Need Help on Gun Upgrade!

    I would also suggest the Benelli M-2 , weight , ergonomics, reliability.
  7. K

    2022 Hunt Report Nov 7 to 11 *Warning Long Post*

    Tom , Good read I felt,like I was right there watching you and Zeb work your Brittany’s . Thanks for sharing your hunt with us. It’s going to be tough here in Kansas this season. Sounds like Remmy is going to make a fine bird dog .
  8. K

    Looking into my first double gun!

    Here is my SXS Dickinson 20 ga the boys tried to jump these birds but couldn’t get close enough the pushed them my way #4 Hevi shot sent them tumbling Pretty far out there . I have taken geese , ducks , doves Quail , pheasant and Prairie chicken with this little 20 . I like the interchangeable...
  9. K

    Ruger Gold Label

    Yes Ksbrittman has one , I harvested the first 5 birds that I aimed it at , fits me well . sxs 12 ga under 7 lbs . Shoot me a pm if you want more info, or if you are ever in Northeast Ks and want to shoot some hand thrown clays with mine you are welcome to .
  10. K

    WIA: 3 of my best are no more...

    Here in Ks we have seen many thousands of Acres no longer be in walk in hunting . I think if you follow the Money and see what benefits the landowner the most you will find some answers . We have seen wheat go from $4.00 a bushel to some getting $13.00 a bushel for wheat , corn going from...
  11. K

    Side by Sides

    Sure enough , I shoot a Ruger Gold Label 12 ga and a Double Trigger Dickinson 20 ga SXs
  12. K

    First bird in two years !!!

    Glad to here you are getting out , here is wishing you a real good season for you and Tink !! The single shot brings back memories of my youth thanks for sharing .
  13. K

    This weather is for the birds.

    What a nice late season hunt , been to the Grasslands quite a few years back , remember moving 6 coveys in a short day , all bobwhites . Those scaled Quail are slippery we got one .
  14. K

    Cz sharptail reviews wanted

    The Tri-star Bristol has had quite a few positives written about it casehardened , if you can live with a single trigger . I am thinking about one of these for my Grandson .
  15. K

    Easiest Pheasants of the Year!!!

    Thanks for sharing your success , sound like a wonderful hunt !,,
  16. K

    Dog's Name

    She sure is , congratulations on your new Britt . What’s her name ?
  17. K

    Kansas Run

    The Kansas Wildlife and Parks sure like to make it sound better than it is to attract your out of state dollars . It’s disheartening to see all the CRP to crop conversion , This another Upland Legacy lost . We will still have pheasants and Quail but less quality habitat means less birds ...
  18. K

    Roosters,Ruger and Brittany’s

    I have enjoyed this gun , I picked it up used at the K C Cableas gun library it was used about $ 100 less than new price , I picked it up shoulder it a couple times it felt great and seemed to fit well , I normally would have got my wife’s blessing before I bought it . I knew it would be gone if...
  19. K

    January Solo Hunt

    Great post !! Sounds like great fun and adventure. I enjoy those solo hunts on late season birds , stealth is the best way to bag’em .