Search results

  1. M


    Go to the VDD/GNA website. It will list all the available litters and any upcoming ones. Wealth of info. I had Drats for over twenty years, all VDD dogs. Best of luck.
  2. M

    What else do you hunt?

    Back in the day, hunted almost exclusively, phez. Hunted waterfowl (not alot) until phez season opened. Shot a few turkeys during phez season. Was funnier than hell watching dogs try to retrieve a big turkey. Very, very, little deer.
  3. M

    Do you shoot coyotes while pheasant hunting?

    Shot one, and dogs killed one.
  4. M

    Your favorite pheasant O/U

    Had two that were always hard to choose. Browning Liege, or Merkel 203SL.
  5. M

    Vintage/older Over Unders

    Well, Browing Superposed go aways back. Not sure how vintage you want? Browning first made the Superposed in 1931. We're coming up on 100 yrs. old, that's pretty vintage to me. Best of luck in your search.
  6. M

    Acceptable Loss Rate

    I was lucky. Had a phenomenal dog on cripples. Lost very, very, few. Not always but depending on how I had been doing, a lost crippled bird was counted as part of bag limit.
  7. M


    I'll echo everyone. Have a great Christmas, and a happy new year. May there be a bird in the air at all times!!
  8. M

    Most Unusual Double

    Love stories like above!!!
  9. M

    Most Unusual Double

    Hunting with 3-4 others on a small creek a rooster & a drake mallard got up at the exact same time. Shot the mallard first, then the rooster. Only time in my life anything like that happened. Anybody else have unusual doubles?
  10. M

    Winchester 20 Gauge 2 3/4" 1oz. 1300FPS Super Pheasant Copper Plated Diamond Grade

    Usually used Federal copper 6's, never a problem.
  11. M


    Dustin, once was enough for me. Sorry to hear of your very unfortunate luck.
  12. M


    Can beat your stupidity! Finished hunting, and as usual laid gun on top of dog box, and then loaded the pups. A friend drove by at that moment, and we talked for awhile. Got into my truck and drove off. Don't ask me why but happened to look into side view mirror and there was my Browning Liege...
  13. M

    When and where?????

    Central N.Y.-----Grouse, about 13yrs. old.
  14. M

    What's the Consensus of Pheasant Hunters

    LC Smith: light 12's can be found with a little looking. Walk into any store that sells ammo and you'll find 12 ga., not so with 16ga. Very few new 16's being made. JMHO, overall the 12 cannot be beat.
  15. M

    What's the Consensus of Pheasant Hunters

    There is no better gauge then 12 for wild pheasants, PERIOD. However, that does not mean other gauges cannot be used, but the higher the gauge the better you must shoot. Be honest with your capabilities.
  16. M

    Snow and pheasants?

    Anything from a dusting to 4-5 inches not much changed. However, if they're predicting a real storm, I didn't go out. I would stop hunting at least two hrs. before it was due to start. I did not like to blow the birds out of good cover, they weren't always able to get back to the good cover. I...
  17. M

    Looking into my first double gun!

    You didn'y say what your budget was, so here we go. My first choice would be a vintage Merkel, either SXS or O/U, i'm partial to O/U's. Shot Merkel O/U for close to 50yrs. If they are not your cup of tea, I'd buy a Browning superposed, there's a ton available. Either of these guns will last...
  18. M

    Birds Birds Birds

    Great memories!!!
  19. M

    Full choke lead

    Hunted for 30+yrs. with IC/IM. Like above I'd never hunt Phez with a full choke. Even with IC had a few oops over the yrs. To each his own, have a great season.