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  1. NDPheasant

    Pic six

  2. NDPheasant

    Question I’ve wondered about

    One of my very best hunting buddies recently moved to Oregon from North Dakota. He shared that currently, Oregon has little to offer for Pheasant hunting. He threw me a little nugget though. Oregon was actually the original area for the Chinese Ringneck Pheasant transplant in the 1880s.
  3. NDPheasant


    Same order for me when my wife says "I think we should put up the Christmas Tree." ;)
  4. NDPheasant


    It is absolutely amazing at what they can find to hide in when bottlenecked at the end of cover.
  5. NDPheasant

    2022 Season In Pictures

    I entered the category of insanity. Went for two walks with my dogs because they were restless. Put two in the vest and one more got away. Put an insane lead on them all.
  6. NDPheasant

    2022/2023 PHEASANT Hunting Videos

    I hunted for about an hour today with sustained winds fo 35mph and gusting to 50mph. I have an addiction to pheasant hunting and the only prescription is more cowbell. Crushed two birds and brought another one down that quickly outran and outsmarted both dogs using the grass cover and tons of...
  7. NDPheasant

    2022 Season In Pictures

    I think 2023 is my year to upgrade. Love the look of the xplor!
  8. NDPheasant

    2022 Season In Pictures

    Annual Halloween Hunt. Took the dogs for a quick walk that proved epic. Willow decided to keep looking for birds while Ellie posed for pics .
  9. NDPheasant

    End of October report

    Nice work Brent. Those look like very mature birds. The end of the month found me with 15 hunts this fall. I have been able to put 30 roosters in my vest and 67 total roosters were bagged behind my two dogs. This is definitely ahead of the last two years totals. I am looking forward to the...
  10. NDPheasant

    2022 Season In Pictures

    No pictures but Sunday was fun. A friend and I met up and six dead roosters filled our vests. The last three retrieves absolutely were some of the toughest tests you could give your dogs. They have lost some runners this year but today was not one of those. Birds are plentiful.
  11. NDPheasant

    2022 Season In Pictures

    Great advice for Wyowalleye. The little buggers burrow right into our heart and soul. Tough loss Wyowalley. I shared awhile back that I always think of my two dogs when I hear Garth Brooks song The Dance. “Could have missed the pain but then I’d of missed the dance!” Until that day comes for...
  12. NDPheasant

    2022 Season In Pictures

    Today was beautiful. By the time I left work, I knew it would be a stretch to get in even a short walk but I pushed the limits. Went home, changed quick and grabbed the dogs. We had a two very memorable retrieves tonight and our team effort yielded a quick limit. Man I dislike the days getting...
  13. NDPheasant

    Help with Dilemma?

    To all the bachelors on this site please learn from this. It may be the best educational tool you will run across on UPH. Do not make the mistake above. Listen to me now and hear me later: Take the damn calendar and black out mid-October through mid-January before even proposing. Do not...
  14. NDPheasant

    Best hunting I've ever seen

    Memorable outing for sure. Congrats!
  15. NDPheasant

    A gift for your hunting buddies

    And you guys can autograph each other's with sharpie markers so as not to forget who was part of the group.
  16. NDPheasant

    Post Your Residents' Weekend Report Here!

    This past weekend I hunted area that was totally foreign to me but I wanted to expand options. I saw a wheat field with a nice grassy draw and thought this sure looked birdy. OnX indicated that it was not posted so I was going to have Jenn pick me up at the other end. We got out of the pickup...
  17. NDPheasant

    Scouting for Pheasant

    Great looking profile pic Red Ryder!
  18. NDPheasant

    Most creative/memorable No Trespassing/Posted signs.

    Trespassers will be violated. :oops:
  19. NDPheasant

    Scouting for Pheasant

    You will have to use the blurred circle feature to protect those secret spots. I hunt near some wind towers which is a dead give away. 🤣
  20. NDPheasant

    Scouting for Pheasant

    I like to scout by looking at the backgrounds of the pheasant photos my buddies post on Facebook and try to see if these locations are something I recognize. This works even better for secret fishing spots when the photos in the boat display their 15" graphs with the lake map up on the screen.