Set out to tackle the drainage and pipeline routes 12 miles west of Pocahontas today. While driving and noticing the "push" of the truck my expectations for the day were lessened.
Greeted by much orange in the area. Many hunters out today despite the wind. Sophie and I ran a string of five...
Traveled down to the Gilbert area today as I always do third week of the season. Public area I hunted had some corn recently picked-earlier this week.
A combination of strong wind from the west and indications of previous hunting in this piece had the birds---a tad jumpy!!:D
Working the wind...
Took off at noon for a public lands hunt about 12 miles north of Storm Lake. Many combines in the fields today and saw several groups of hunters on the way north.
Wind was not as extreme as predicted but did throw on the "shooting gloves" for the afternoon hunt.
First public piece is...
At meetings yesterday, today and tomorrow in the Storm Lake area. Meetings today and noticed twice earlier what a beautiful day it was with little wind and sunshine. Each time thought about pheasant hunting!:) It's usually pin-hunting via golf!:p
After my earlier meetings, broke for lunch...
My son and I traveled to the relation's farm in North West Iowa today. We managed our six birds but hunted most of the day to get them. Warm weather and adjacent corn were major factors in the afternoon. We had to work for number six.
We only harvested one bird of this year today. Four...
I have been missed and I really do appreciate it!:)
Now before you get all teary let me where I have been the last 11 days. My wife and I own property in Georgia just west of Savannah. Beautiful country and when I was in sales I fell in love with the area in the 80's.
3 days of shirtsleeved...
Sophie and I hit the ground running at 8:18 a.m. We were back in the Bancroft area at my relative's farm. I wanted to see how the little brown squabs were getting along.:)
Stronger easterly wind with very damp and heavy air. I knew from previous experience that the birds would sit tight!:)...
Was fortunate to bag a nine pointer around 8:30 this morning in northwest Iowa. Decided to try something that I rarely do anymore. Hunt without my dog. Did I mention it was 14 below this morning when I ventured out. Thank you lord that there was no wind.:p
I went back to the windbreak...
Decided to head off today after filling up on turkey and gravy to challenge myself and Sophie. My wife surprised me Friday night with an early Christmas present-new Browning Maxus so you know I had to give it a workout.
Hit the Eagle Lake and Fox WMA public parcels in Hancock county today. I...
I am thankful for the friends and all of the rest of you on this forum that share my passion for pheasant hunting.
I am thankful for the 50 years of bird hunting and related activities that I have been able to experience in my life.
I am thankful for still being able to flush, hear the cackle...
I had the opportunity and time to get in some bird hunting this afternoon so I went for it. Traveled north to Cerro Gordo county and hunted west of Mason City and north of Clear Lake on public land.
Sophie and I hit the grass--or it hit us with 20 to 30 mph---and the first point of the day...
Sophie and I packed our gear and headed out on a cold evening for Bancroft area. We hit public and private today and saw birds on both.
Public-we did not encounter another hunter this morning. I felt the birds would hold tight due to colder conditions--wrong. Birds were already active at...
Captaincoot got me to thinking about what he posted in another thread.
As a commercial bird producer--requests often came from taxidermists to dispatch birds without ruffling feathers or appearance damage.
We always used the "taxidermist squeeze" to dispatch birds and I use it in the field...
Saturday turned out to be a bust but had a great time with relatives and dinner. Sunday morning looked promising as the sun was shining and little wind at 7 a.m. Anxious to get back out there after the number of birds I saw on Friday.
Sophie and I hit the field at 8:13 and the light rain...
Hopefully some of these photos help with what I and others have been sharing on the differences between young and old birds.
A bird with spurs like this or less is a hatchling from this year's brood:
Please notice the primary feathers by my fingers. They are short and still in the pin stage...
Sophie and I hit the ground running today in Pocahontas area. Been patiently waiting to visit--corn was up until Wednesday. Many of you know I frequent this area during bird season.
We began in the creek bottom. Sophie's first point yielded momma hen followed by eight birds so brown and...
I normally wait until the snow and cold hits to enter the "Grinder". Appropriately named as I planted it and it runs 2685' by 3980'. I gave it the grinder acronym because one needs three things there to be successful:
shoot extremely well
stronger than normal hip and quad muscles--hammies are...
A big thank you to Birdshooter for sharing how to upload my new camera picks! Well done Sir!:)
Please see my post on "Old School" for the story.
Here is the pic again:
As you can see three different hatches of birds--all this year! Early on right, very late in the middle and middle on the...
Hello All,
Having difficulties uploading photos?:p Never had these problems before and have tried all kinds of formats. What process are you guys using to upload photos directly into the body of your writing? In other words--no attachments used? Any help is appreciated.:)