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  1. J

    Danger at Ft Riley

    Earlier this year Ox sliced his foot wide open while hunting at the Fort. Cost me 2 weeks of hunting and an expensive vet trip. So for Christmas I got Ox a ridiculous looking chest protector (see photo) that comes down both his front legs. Surprisingly he runs in it just fine and it does not...
  2. J

    Pink Setter Syndrome

    Anybody else struggle with Pink Setter Syndrome? I need to get a picture on here for those of you who have never seen it.:D pink setter syndrome: When a setters tail bleeds while hunting and by the end of the day his sides are pink from the blood. I have tried putting a bandage on his tail...
  3. J

    Dog possessive of "his" bird

    Last Saturday I was out with a buddy. Ox locked up not a 100 yards in to the first field. A rooster got up and flew straight away from me, it only took me 3 shots to prove I can't shoot :(. I was starting to get pretty frustrated as Ox has now managed some very nice points for me this year and I...
  4. J

    A good and bad weekend

    I only had an hour to get Ox out Saturday morning as we had plans to go christmas shopping. So we went out for a quick hunt. Having that little bit of moisture Friday evening and dew Saturday morning was great. Ox went out and pointed his first covey during season. Unfortunately I let him...
  5. J

    English stock Citori help

    I purchased a new quail gun this year. I have always loved the look and feel of an English stocked gun. I found a used (kinda beat up) browning citori with an English stock at a price I thought was right. Somebody had put a 1" thick recoil pad on the gun. Guess what? the lop is about an inch...
  6. J

    Finally a point on wild birds!

    I was starting to get worried, but Ox finally came through today. He pointed a nice covey, stood firm on them and let me kick them up. Then he found a pair and a single, all nice solid points.
  7. J

    The world is a hair dryer, or Opening day in Kansas reports:

    Well that was an interesting one! 5:30 am and the thermometer read 64... Ouch. I literally shed a layer (undershirt) before I got in the truck. Hunted public - walked a bout 10 minutes before we hit birds. They were flushing wild and way ahead of us. Thought to myself at that point, "at least...
  8. J

    Training birds

    Where can I get some training birds around manhattan?
  9. J

    Diamond naturals and soft serve

    My setter Oxford is about a year old. I have had him on Diamond Naturals since he came off puppy food. He has always had more of a soft serve stool than I would like. I switched him over to the 32% protein Diamond recently. I figured with the season fast approaching it would be good to switch...
  10. J

    Inconsistent food consumption

    I have never had a dog eat like this. All my dogs have always been good eaters and quickly clean their plate. Oxford however, will some nights eat all his food, some nights half some nights only a few bites. I do not really think there is anything wrong with him.... But I do find it strange...
  11. J

    Dog trainers

    I was not planning on sending Oxford off to a trainer. I think he has been coming along nicely, even with a novice like me trying to train him. I realized this morning I am going to be traveling out of the state for more than half the month in August. I started thinking that it makes sense to...
  12. J


    So I gave Oxford a haircut over the weekend. I am no groomer that's for sure, but I think he looks pretty good trimmed up. Do any of you setter owners give your dogs a haircut? If so where do you decide to quit cutting and how short do you cut it? I would post a picture, except it is to hard...
  13. J

    My lil sis is moving to Dodge

    My little sister just got her first teaching job at the middle school in Dodge. I know some of you guys are from around there. I did not know if any of you had any info that would be helpful. She needs a place to rent etc. any info would be great.
  14. J

    Chasing crows, ticks, and when to switch off puppy food.

    A few questions I am looking for info on. Most days I take my pup Ox (6mo) out in the morning to some wide open soccer feilds to run. he is a much better behaved dog when he gets to do this in the morning. From the beginning he has loved chasing the birds around the field. The last couple of...
  15. J

    A terrible, terrible awful hunting day...

    They always say "a bad day of hunting is better than a good day of work". This is not always true. I know everyone I hunt with would work a whole season to be able to redo last Saturday. Most of you probably read the posts on "closing weekend brag board". More has happened since, so I thought...
  16. J

    Closing weekend brag-board

    Thought I would give everyone a place to discuss/showoff the results of their final weekend of the season. We had a great saturday. 3 trucks, 6 guys, 8 dogs, 10 hours, 23 roosters... 1 helluva good time.
  17. J

    Hickox vs Dokken

    I have the George Hickox train your pointing dog DVD which I watched before igot my puppy. His method of e-collar training made sense to me, and I assumed I would just follow it with Oxford. Then I got my SportDog collar and it came with Tom Dokken training DVD. Their methods are very...
  18. J

    I think my dog should "ride the short bus"

    Do not get me wrong I love Oxford, and he is a very good puppy. He Potty trained very easy, kennel trained without much hassle, and is not over active in the house or at the office. All that said he seems dumb.:eek: I have had Ox since Thanksgiving (he is 19 weeks old). He spends the whole day...
  19. J

    I might have a real bird dog.

    I was lucky enough to be able to take most of last week off and back to my old stomping grounds to hunt. My hunting buddy was off too so we were able to go out Wed to Friday. I took Oxford along, he is 15 weeks old. I was planning on just letting him out when we would get back to the truck so...
  20. J

    UPH Pro

    Does anyone else think I became a "Pro" to easily:eek: