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  1. K

    Tough hunting

    Well your first and last spots you should have seen birds - how many I dont know - I'd blame it on the dog or wrong places. At the bare minimum in Lincoln and Osborne you should have seen chickens flying around, I've never been there and not seen them - getting a shot is a different question...
  2. K

    Benefit of website for KS Sportsman 2 Speak out?

    I'm going from memory but do believe I've read something about it somewhere - I could be entirely wrong - but think that's what I've read. Here's your answer - I dont really consider what's in the statute compensation so they are basically doing it for free...
  3. K

    Best hunting pup for pheasants

    Whatever fits with your personality and style. I like English Setters, but some dont, I can be uptight (depends on the situation and scenario, dont mess w my business or family, you do you'll certainly think that) but other things I think I'm laid back especially hunting - it's my...
  4. K

    Benefit of website for KS Sportsman 2 Speak out?

    I'm pretty sure Wildlife Commissioners are non paid - or if they are it's next to nothing.
  5. K

    Benefit of website for KS Sportsman 2 Speak out?

    Keep digging -- I haven't had time to dive in - but as I had alluded to - Brownback did a lot of "funny" business not just with KDWPT - but all state departments. I can't stand Gov Kelly but for our industry she has screwed us this past legislative session on one issue due to her being beholden...
  6. K

    Are Kansans being shortchanged? (Yes)

    Troy R3 is a good concept - however the chicken or the egg argument pops up here regarding access issues. If KS wants to sell more licenses you can sell more licenses with good upland opportunities vs people buying deer tags. I just do not understand why the folks making the regs do not...
  7. K

    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    I'm sure most are good or it's an issue of limited resources. My comments were based on results. The biologist hitting that area is competing with LOTS of deer leasing and multiple outfitters yet somehow has had success in enrolling a large # of good WIHA not just for deer but for upland and...
  8. K

    Benefit of website for KS Sportsman 2 Speak out?

    I created/reserved the FB page today - I'll buy the web domain soon -- will reach out online to see if I can get some graphics people to help me - if not I'll see how much it will cost for some of my basic ideas. I'll try to mind map it and put it online somewhere once I have things in place. I...
  9. K

    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    No I have not ever been an employee of the state. Our business is heavily state regulated so we deal with the state employees in our appropriate regulating bodies routinely and also receive some of our funding via Fed money so have to stay up to date on what goes on at the state house. If you...
  10. K

    Benefit of website for KS Sportsman 2 Speak out?

    I put up this same post on Bowsite as many participants there are active or so seem to be politically active and very aware of the issues facing KS Sportsman. This thread is not meant to be political at all - just a way to "Organize" folks to stand up for KS hunting and access as Im sure the...
  11. K

    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    I am not into waterfowl but appreciate seeing them and would like to go on a good duck hunt with some guys in one of those fancy blinds you see with heaters and cooking breakfast lol -- I'd share an upland hunt for the invite...HA Anyways what are the issues facing waterfowl?
  12. K

    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    Farmer hit it on the head -- I've searched for about 10 mins on google but can not find it -- there was a podcast -- I think Capitol Insider where they interviewed Robin Jennison when he was Sec of KDWPT -- it is fairly recent - but it's buried now or offline - Anyways I can save you some...
  13. K

    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    Have you left your home territory to explore other parts of the state? It's not whining - it's reality and buying one plot of land does nothing in the grand scheme of things unless policies are changed.
  14. K

    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    If they had good upland bird hunting they'd probably make just as much if not more and still be able to sell their deer hunts. What they dont realize is that income will not be guaranteed forever if they do not manage their deer population - Im guessing the guys shelling out that money if it's...
  15. K

    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    Who's doing that? The issue is no deer management - which equals a free for all - even in other states such as colorado, new mexico, montana etc where big game is highly commoditized there is not the free for all system we have here -- the pendulum has swung too far one way - I for one do not...
  16. K

    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    Are you from Bowsite? What is your first name? Also regarding comments above - I think folks are close but missing the big picture. As pointed out if KS made uplands a focus the big picture is what needs to be focused on -- Upland hunters will travel far and wide for a good experience --...
  17. K

    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    As I believe you and others have pointed out -this downward trend of residents hunting is because near the metro areas where everyone lives it is near impossible to find a place to hunt - and just do the family thing of going out opening day to a deer camp or on the weekend and hunting two days...
  18. K

    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    I have not seen any recent rumblings about the OTC non resident tags? Do you have any links to any pending legislation or rumors etc? I could peruse the KBA KS page as they usually have info there - but will have to weed through all the hunt posts -- anyways if you have anything to narrow it...
  19. K

    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    Farm Bureau's schtick along with other insurance companies is they want virtually unlimited tags for a few reasons: Increase tags - their arguments are it will decrease deer pops which will result in fewer insurance claims -- IE deer vehicle collisions and crop damage -- not sure if you can...
  20. K

    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    Your reply shows you have about zero clue along with the prior ignorant comments concerning Immigrants of which my wife is one of those "high reproductive rate" Immigrants you are talking about. Let that go when you posted it initially and not even sure why I've continued to interact with a...