Search results

  1. K

    Kennel ideas (Would you have freestanding Kennel or attach to shop?)

    I was really debating this but afraid of the urine smell on the concrete outside -- of course it'd get hosed off etc - I think I may make a free standing structure 20-30 yards from the garage - Just not certain yet. I like the garage convenience.
  2. K

    CRP May Be Hayed or Grazed

    Probably not - when they run out of water things will change - that may happen in our lifetimes (Im nearly 42) - I dont think anyone would believe what it was like a short 20 yrs ago. 08 or so it started changing around there. No one would believe the quality of the WIHA either. I've come to...
  3. K

    Opening Weekend in Kansas

    I cant imagine what it was like in the 80s - I got in as a teenager on 2 or 3 hunts with family about 93-95 and holy cow - the only thing I've experienced that was close to how many birds we saw was a hunt in Oklahoma in 2015 or 2016 when they had their banner year.
  4. K

    Opening Weekend in Kansas

    Just dont hunt SE ks if it's public - could be wrong - but their hunting for quail went down the sewer late 90s early 00s - I keep seeing bs online about it coming back but I doubt it - garbage soybeans everywhere - farm fence row to fence row, cool season grasses everywhere, intensive grazing...
  5. K

    CRP May Be Hayed or Grazed

    We have a lot of fun with Jet -- went opening day and he hunted most of the day - I didnt get to go out with him as much as I'd have liked last year due to circumstances out of my control - but this year our days afield should increase. Have 80 acres now where we live for him to run on with...
  6. K

    CRP May Be Hayed or Grazed

    Yes - if they are doing that likely going to rip it out - I'm not an ag producer but lived next door to my grandparents small hay operation - he did his and all the neighors in our area - Native/Prairie hay is going to lose it's nutritional value I believe if you hit it too late I believe...
  7. K

    Heading to Kansas

    Those will work - if the roads are sloppy just air down your tires to 15-20 psi or so - will help a lot.
  8. K

    Heading to Kansas

    What kind of vehicle do you have and tires?
  9. K

    Have you sold timber off your land?

    Well they finally have logged and moved on -- right now the logs are just stacked up along the road ready for the logging semi to move them 156 or so trees - I think mainly walnut -- and one hackberry that was maybe a casualty or in the way of the other trees - plus lots of trails cleared etc...
  10. K

    My Sunflower Field

    Do you care about habitat or you are planting Sunflowers to harvest? Your question doesnt make much sense unless you have invasive cool season grasses or something like russian thistle and you're focused on whats good for upland birds.
  11. K

    Heading to Kansas

    Dont know exactly where you're headed but terrain varies depending on part of the state - some have gumbo roads if they're wet, some the stickiest dirt you've ever encountered if even a little wet, some have nice rock roads, some sandy roads etc -- definitely have all terrain tires at least and...
  12. K

    2021-2022 Kansas WIHA Maps for Garmin GPS Units

    KS Govt has problems in all facets of govt -- we deal in senior care and they have severe turnover and staffing shortages -- they've always been there but it's just gotten worse -- Sam Brownback started it years ago and the problem has never gotten better -- not really the staff that are still...
  13. K

    2021-2022 Kansas WIHA Maps for Garmin GPS Units

    @Powderhorn Jim Here's a simpler solution -- just pay for a $29.99 fee for Onxmaps access to KS -- they have offline downloadable maps where you choose what areas of the state and detail level to download and the WIHA parcels are a layer you can turn on -- I just take my tablet with me as it's...
  14. K

    Can anyone with a bird dog get away during the week to hunt private land in Phillips County ? I have access to lots of acreage but no dog.

    Hi Jim - the forum still has PM's - I am sending one now - if you dont get it please quote my reply here
  15. K

    2007 Polaris Sportsman 800V-Twin EFI on-demand 4wd

    Awesome!! Any pics of the new ride? (Do you mind saying how much you paid and where you found it?) Just trying to see how the ATV market is holding up -- I check occasionally - some of what I see is the prices on used stuff just depends on what part of the country you're in - Oklahoma...
  16. K

    Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks….not tourism

    I'm pretty sure most have the attitude they'll just pump that sucker till it's dry. Living in Garden/Holcomb for a couple years I could never figure it out. Darn things ran 24/7 as far as you could see.
  17. K

    Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks….not tourism

    They can't unfortunately - the legislature and ag interests drive the bus - as WestKS said - about 1995 is when it started -- Mike Hayden started the downhill slide - and every governor/Sec of KDWP since has helped dig the hole further. We've beaten the horse quite a bit - but a focus on deer...
  18. K

    2007 Polaris Sportsman 800V-Twin EFI on-demand 4wd

    I'm a Honda "Homer" for sure. Grandpa bought a 1983 200E Big Red with hi/low on -- I would have been 3 at the time - anyways my first experience with riding and I eventually was given this - worked great for years and my dumb butt gave it away in trade when I had no more room in my garage back...
  19. K

    Rader lodge

    Right there with you - we've all hashed this out a few times here - on various FB ks hunting groups etc -- Deer issues have led to hunting access problems we have now Couple that with farming and Big ag practices and it doesnt help much.
  20. K

    Rader lodge

    OlyveOil - PM me - I can give you some tips about where you'll be.