Search results

  1. wingsnfins

    Pheasant hunting north west Wisconsin

    I'm in Fond du Lac County......I've stomped Eldorado Marsh, Mullet Marsh, Sheboygan Marsh, Theresa Marsh and Horicon Marsh for ducks and pheasants over the last 20 years. Ups and downs for both on each of those marshes over the years. There is alot of potential, but not much management in the...
  2. wingsnfins

    Why I love labs

    Walt Gabbard - "Labrador"
  3. wingsnfins

    Why I love labs

    I am on my 2nd Lab. I was raised with a Lab, a Springer, a Brittany, and a Cocker. My wife raised and ran bear dogs. She also had a Golden for her dog we met. I've been around law enforcement K9s for my entire career. Both of my best friends are handlers, with one being on his 3rd K9. I can't...
  4. wingsnfins

    Why I love labs

    Amen to that, from a Lab guy.
  5. wingsnfins

    dog vest

    I too run the Rex Specs......once the dog gets used to them, just like with a vest or boots they don't even care they are on. I have also coated my dog's nose, face area under the eyes and cheeks, armpits, bare belly area, and inside the rear flanks with Musher's Secret helps with the...
  6. wingsnfins

    Recommend some dog boots please.

    I also prefer the Lewis boot, non vented version so nothing makes its way in the vent hole. I have not run in to any hotspots thus far, but as mentioned proper fit when ordering is crucial. This was the 4th season on 1 set, finally starting to show some wear on the bottom. They have held up...
  7. wingsnfins

    Broken femur?

    Yes, police K9...... Scroll to October.
  8. wingsnfins

    Broken femur?

    The resiliency of dogs and the modern veterinarian technology has advanced to the point that what used to be career ending or even life ending events are extremely recoverable. Point in hand, in October one of our K9s took 3, possibly 4 rounds from a AR15 at close range......neck, shoulder...
  9. wingsnfins

    Lost birds

    Reading this thread got my mind thinking too. While I don't have the number of days in the field a year as some of the guys here, between waterfowl in Wisconsin marshes such as Horican, Eldorado, Sheboygan and Mullet as well as pheasants in those areas and pheasants in both Dakotas......I have...
  10. wingsnfins

    Great shots

    I've always heard the phrase......"butt-belly-beak-bang".......makes sense on forcing the follow through. Works different when we have to add in a bit of lead for distance. I hunted the 29th at a game farm for a annual outing and shot for 💩.......figured I got it out of my system before the...
  11. wingsnfins

    Road conditions

    Sigh........sorry for the loss. 🥺
  12. wingsnfins

    Upland hunting coat

    Cabela's Instinct clothing is pretty good.....I wear the Instinct Prairie Runner JACKET. This is a wind proof, water resistant, lined, lightweight jacket. It allows for great movement, not hardly know you have it on. I hunted with it in single digits with just the Instinct long...
  13. wingsnfins

    Upland strap vest you can load birds in

    I run the Tenzing TZ BV16 vest. I'm on year 4 with it, it has held up great. It has adjustable shoulder straps and weight bearing straps. You can also adjust the game load straps to carry more cargo in the two rear pockets. It has a built in water bladder pouch and padded back support. The two...
  14. wingsnfins

    Lets See Your some pic's

    My lab Odin (green collar) and his brother Tucker (orange collar).
  15. wingsnfins

    1/2 - 1/4 Hunt

    We started off good this morning.....2 in the first 30 minutes.....add 2 more misses in the next hour (which were pokes), couldn't get close to anything else the rest of the day except hens....they were holding real tight, but why wouldn't they! Lol! We quit early, dogs were beat and a cold beer...
  16. wingsnfins

    1/2 - 1/4 Hunt

    1/2 - Started on a GPA. Saw a lot of birds on this property, would estimate in the 150 number. Our shooting was sub par on the birds that held. Snow softened up just enough to not be too noisy with the sun, but the ice that was still coating vegetation made it difficult to get around quietly...
  17. wingsnfins

    go out with bang

    My Christmas Eve post, we had hunted public properties west of Fond du Lac. Day after Christmas we hunted Theresa Marsh spots. Put up one rooster in trees that I managed to miss. Put in some miles that day with just the one flush. Part of the problem is how mild it has been, birds that are left...
  18. wingsnfins

    Little stumped

    Plant-based......??? Maybe contact with a desert plant that has the ability to cause skin irritation and blisters, something like "Poodle Dog Bush"?? Has to be something the dog came in contact with....
  19. wingsnfins

    Second SD Trip Report

    Thanks. Stayed in Hecla the 1st trip in early November. Had the same issue with weather then too. Headed further west and south this trip. Just myself and my brother in law and our 2 labs.
  20. wingsnfins

    Second SD Trip Report

    Really nice summary. I'm headed back out to SD from Wisconsin on the 1st. Hoping this 2nd trip is more productive than the 1st trip.