Search results

  1. M

    Camping for upland hunting

    If I can't plug in my electric blanket, I'm too far out!
  2. M

    Question for a GFP CO

    Having an in-state hunting licence and driving an out-of-state tagged vehicle registered to you is a HUGE red flag. Try and talk you way out of that? Good luck cowboy 🤔.
  3. M

    +++ Bird Dog Bunkhouse 2022 +++

    Is "your room" nothing more than a bedroom w/no TV or bathroom, or is it just a place to sleep. Also, many motels allow you to keep your dog in the room and most motels that I've stayed at are around $60.00 a night. Also, is this a 5 or 6 bedroom house w/only one bed in a room, or do you have...
  4. M

    +++ Bird Dog Bunkhouse 2022 +++

    Now take that $450.00 p/person x 5 persons = $2,700.00 for 5 days, right. Let's say you rent the house out for 25 days per month = $13,500.00. You have just paid the mortgage and most of the insurance for a year. Not a bad gig..
  5. M

    +++ Bird Dog Bunkhouse 2022 +++

    So your sayin' for six guys staying 5 days at $450.00 a person equals $2,700.00. Way overpriced!! Sorry, just my opinion..
  6. M

    Anyone finding ammo in the off-season?

    I read it as a box of 5, not p/box. Which comes out about equal with other dealers.
  7. M

    Huberds Shoe Grease

    My order arrives tomorrow. Here's how I do it. I spread it evenly over the boots and than use a blow dryer to heat it up to where it nearly melts and rub it in. I do it a second time after 30 minutes and there good to go.
  8. M

    January hunt

    Lots of walk-ins around Bob's resort, 15 miles west of Gettysburg on hiway 212.
  9. M

    A few pictures of this last season!! I can't wait until next!

    Are these from a wild hunt or a preserve?
  10. M

    Oklahoma pheasant hunt

    Great looking mount Andrew. Though we didn't hunt together last year (2021), let's make it a priory for this fall. I remember that day as if it was yesterday. You made a good shot and I was very proud to have been the one to witness it. Your pheasant mount will be a great conversation piece for...
  11. M

    New A5 Sweet Sixteen review.

    I feel your pain, but it is simply supply and demand. There is less demand for 16 Guage shot shells and therefore it costs more to produce (supply). Or at least that was how it was explained to me. Go figure. Another excuse to charge more.
  12. M

    Rising Costs

    My 3 trips to SD each year from Oklahoma hunting & fishing and my 40 plus days Quail hunting in OK is my "My outlet for Craziness." No need to cut back or quit.
  13. M

    BrookingsCountyPheasantsForever banquet

    To all you naysayers: I like what PF is doing a whole lot better than what YOU are not doing!!
  14. M

    Dog's Name

    GunnR, GunnR, he's my hunter! How's that?
  15. M

    New old guy

    55 & pickin'-up speed! Welcome to the forum, some amazing people w/knowledge, insight & great huntin' stories.
  16. M

    Switching dog food because of price and availability?!

    My choice for my high flying 2 1/2 yr. old GSP is Loyall dog food, 30l20 protein - fat. It seem to do the trick. 40 lb. bag is $42.00 including tax.
  17. M

    Relocation to south dakota

    Amy David (605) 280-3896. Retired postal worker, now a realtor. Life time resident who knows the landscape. Her Dad and I graduated from Pierre H.S. in 65. Good luck.
  18. M

    Oklahoma pheasants

    Live 30 miles from the 'Drummond Flats' a walk-in area near Enid, OK. Always been able to scratch a couple of pheasants each year. This year has been the absolute worst for pheasants at the 'Flats.' Hunted 4 times walking w/my GSP a couple of hours in different areas of nearly 5,000 acres &...
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    Better Shooting - A Colorado Limit

    If you do the videos for you than why post them. I cut your hunt short, couldn't stand the music. Also, slow your head roll, had me about half dizzy. Just sayin!
  20. M

    Trying to get my nephew a bird

    Gm are you beyond trolling us? Somehow I feel a leg being pulled. Stretched in fact!