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  1. G

    Solar Farms = Habitat Destruction ?

    Yeah maybe not. All this "green and renewable " stuff just gets humorous. These EVs sum it all up. They're saving the planet lol. They just forget that that cord they plug in to to be able to operate goes back to good ole coal or natural gas. Nothings perfect, just don't pee on my leg and...
  2. G

    Solar Farms = Habitat Destruction ?

    I agree. The windmills break down constantly and are just abandoned. And in KS, I don't know about other states, we have clouds and these little ice pellets called hail. Once they figure those pesky things out maybe solar will be viable.
  3. G

    Solar Farms = Habitat Destruction ?

    To each their own I guess but this guy's hard earned American dollars are staying right here with American gas and oil for now not with Chinese panels🇺🇲
  4. G

    Solar Farms = Habitat Destruction ?

    Who's to say these companies will even be around by the time the investment would be realized on a home. If people want one on their home great, go for it. But if you look at commercial solar and the introduction of tons of plastics, polymers, lithium....into the prairies and farmland I find it...
  5. G

    Solar Farms = Habitat Destruction ?

    I had our place bid just out of curiosity. It would have taken me 12 years before I started realizing any savings and they could not guarantee me they would be in business at that point still or who would service them if I had issues. The solar project our county shut down was French owned...
  6. G

    Solar Farms = Habitat Destruction ?

    Call me crazy but I don't think these grain prices being driven in to the gutter is an accident either. What better way to force farms in to the solar trap. Break them financially and dangle that carrot in front of them to sign up .
  7. G

    Now is the time!

    In our side of the state we're 3 years in of crappy to no crops because of drought. This year corn will be really good and beans fair to good but the price is off so bad that the extra yields won't matter unfortunately. 100 bu corn @ $6.5 still beats 150bu @ 4.
  8. G

    Now is the time!

    The math isn't mathing for these guys any longer. The smoke is blowing away and the mirrors cracking on this deal. I deal with producers daily and am one myself. The calculator and survival are 1 and 1a for these guys right now.
  9. G

    Now is the time!

    I think they'll be a whole lot more receptive to offers these days. I wouldn't be afraid to make some offers on those pieces you drive by thinking man I wish I could hunt that. I think you'd be surprised how close you might be to what producers are actually profiting right now.
  10. G

    Now is the time!

    If we as upland hunters and people pushing for habitat improvement and opportunities are ever going to get back some acres, now is the time. We're in/heading into a situation where farming will not pay for a big portion of this marginal land. Farmers are looking to drop low production acres or...
  11. G

    Fall gobblers

    I'm on the road a lot in rural areas of Eastern half of Kansas and some of western Missouri and I don't see it.
  12. G

    Solar Farms = Habitat Destruction ?

    The county I live in just finished, this week, a 2 year fight with big solar and their investors and won with a commercial prohibition County wide. This saved 8-10k acres of farmland, much of which borders a state and federal wildlife area. Hopefully many counties will follow and fight back, it...
  13. G

    Bird flu

    Very concerned. In fact come fall I will put down any male pheasant and any quail I see. Just doing my part.
  14. G

    OT- homemade meals while on the road

    We usually eat out first night for convenience and the last night to avoid dishes and cleanup. We seem to eat out more and more every year. I love to cook but after a long day it's getting easier and easier to push for going out. We always do breakfast at the house and sandwiches and chips in...
  15. G

    Round Up Ready Sorghum?

    Sorghum/milo is a grass technically so no go on the roundup. Burn it down good and throw down some atrazine, you'll be good.
  16. G

    Wild bird hunting might be cheaper than I thought

    I always used to figure that in then a buddy said one day "what you don't eat at home?" Very true
  17. G

    Fall gobblers

    Yep. We actually had a good hatch in my neck of the woods in KS but we still are way down. There's still more days that I don't see a turkey than when I do.
  18. G

    Fall gobblers

    Check your corn pile slightly after daylight and then again late afternoon. Chances are good
  19. G

    Wild bird hunting might be cheaper than I thought

    I don't want to know the number but even if our group shot limits everyday on our trips I'm guessing $18.33/# is cheaper than what we have invested in our cooler of birds on the way home. Who knew those fried pheasant dinners are actually fine dining 🤷‍♂️
  20. G

    Accidental Pheasants in W Kansas

    We hunted a couple last year and I definitely see the benefits they would create. The ones we hunted were not set up for the way we hunted them. There was cover but very thin underneath and I think if pheasants were in there the race would be on as I didn't see any cover they might stop and...