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  1. NDPheasant

    Gear Recommendations - Mid-December First Timer

    I like to hunt into a wind like that. Definitely covers any noise you may create. 😁. Just be careful your eyelids don't freeze shut. On a more serious note, I wear a base layer every time out. I have thin moisture wicking tops/bottoms for warmer temps and heavier, base layers such as the UA...
  2. NDPheasant

    NC Report 11/12-11/16

    Fun report. Glad you had success.
  3. NDPheasant

    Kuiu upland vest

    How is easy are the WW and FRS for loading birds?
  4. NDPheasant

    Newbie, but not newbie.

    Thank you for your service BigPerk! Welcome to this forum.
  5. NDPheasant

    Jeopardizing Future Opportunities

    Land is considered unposted until posted. Landowners can post land via electronic posting as long as they do it by July 1st. Some elect to post it physically with signs. Some do both. No electronic posting and no physical posting can be hunted. Best practice is still to gain landowner...
  6. NDPheasant

    What grass is this?

    Great post Bob. I like learning things like this and have encountered this grass several times. I think I call everything clover, koshia, and/or switchgrass.
  7. NDPheasant

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Veterans Day Hunt.
  8. NDPheasant

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    My wife and I were able to convince our daughter to join us. We did two pretty quick walks and the birds cooperated. Fun day and kept our minds preoccupied for a while.
  9. NDPheasant

    Hunting solo tactics

    100% agree Gimruis. I have walked wide and far to get to the "Other end" of cover to backtrack and come from another angle. I would add to think outside the box as well. A tiny rock pile, a patch of buckbrush or a fence line off the beaten path could prove worth some extra steps. I try not to...
  10. NDPheasant

    Get to know me!

    Welcome to the forum. As a former veteran to a current one, thank you for your service to our great country. A big sacrifice for you and your family for that to happen. Just know how much we appreciate all who serve!
  11. NDPheasant

    Hunting with two dogs.

    Great picture WR! That is a lot of Hun turbo sky darts!
  12. NDPheasant

    Gear Recommendations - Mid-December First Timer

    I hunt with vizslas. I have them wear a vest but the lighter weight ones. My buddies springer gets ice build up on feet frequently. Maybe consider a light pruning of them. Boots can get wet especially if you break through ice wear a spring may be. I am sure that is the reason for the...
  13. NDPheasant

    Gear Recommendations - Mid-December First Timer

    I would recommend a product called Mushers Paw for you bff Springer. It is a paste/wax to keep ice chunks from building up between toes. Protects pads as well. Warm shooting gloves are a must. Several threads on this. Mountain Made cold weather gloves are my savior as a ND hunter who hunts...
  14. NDPheasant

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Morning hunt today proved productive. I shot two and Willow found a wounded rooster. I heard shots this morning to the north of my pickup. I decided to walk that side of the road anyway and Willow cleaned up for the other hunter(s).
  15. NDPheasant

    Air Wash

    You're right; if a pheasant can still run, the chase is definitely on! Air wash is real, and it can make tracking a wounded bird tricky. A wounded pheasant’s scent can scatter in the wind or mix with other scents in thick cover, which can make it harder for dogs to track. But natural retrievers...
  16. NDPheasant

    Jeopardizing Future Opportunities

    Generally speaking, it is unlawful to leave an established trail. Retrieving big game would be one exception. I believe you are okay to drive out to set up decoys but permission should be a top priority. I did share that many hunters do drive out to set decoys but minimize their footprint on...
  17. NDPheasant

    Jeopardizing Future Opportunities

    On Halloween, I experienced something that may impact hunting access for everyone in our area. My family were preparing to hunt pheasants at a slough on my in-laws’ land in North Dakota when we saw a group of hunters from Georgia drive their truck straight into a harvested cornfield. They...
  18. NDPheasant

    Finding Peace In The October Hunts

    My wife and I have had a tradition of going hunting on Halloween. It is one of the last days we can leave after work and still have enough daylight for about an hour to 1.5 hours to hunt. We called my daughter and her husband to see if we drove to their farm and went if they would join us. To...
  19. NDPheasant

    Finding Peace In The October Hunts

    I am here at work today, but my mind is somewhere else. Two weeks ago, my family and I went through a tragedy. My granddaughter passed away after just 15 days with us. She was born early at 26 weeks because my daughter had preeclampsia. Losing her has been hard, harder than I can put into words...
  20. NDPheasant

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    I snuck out for one hour after work. We had a fun night!