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  1. NDPheasant

    Snowshoeing for pheasants?

    Thumbs down on that rig. Nothing gets through Montana cattails. Don’t believe that just ask Mr. goosemaster. Much to tall and way to thick. PTM, it sounds like you want to get to your honey hole. I have snowshoes and could check it out for you! 😜
  2. NDPheasant

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    Come on Brent. Don’t give Joel any ideas. He is close enough to black mailing me the way it is.
  3. NDPheasant

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Golden boy and a couple friends had a epic yesterday. Today it was solo for me and I had a 13 minute walk and went three for three one of the most fun hunts that I’ve had in a while.
  4. NDPheasant

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

    Listen Joel, I thought we were friends. :) I appreciate the concern for wildlife and my honor, but let’s get the record straight: That hen hit the power line harder than I hit the buffet line after a long hunt. And if you’re still not convinced, I’ll start a GoFundMe for the power line’s...
  5. NDPheasant

    Let's talk cattail strategies

    Damn…nice photo AK!
  6. NDPheasant

    Let's talk cattail strategies

    I think a million dollar government grant to do a five year study on the health and growth of cattails in the upper Midwest from October through January is a job I would be able to adequately perform.
  7. NDPheasant

    Old school

    Love the patience! We give up too easy sometimes. This sends a bad message to the puppy. I was ready to give up on Willow two weeks ago but one of my best friends has a Vizsla also who is two and just a fantastic dog. We continued the search and his dog located it after about 15 Minutes.
  8. NDPheasant

    Let's talk cattail strategies

    They are certainly well fertilized! 🪿💩💩💩
  9. NDPheasant

    Let's talk cattail strategies

    I hunted a lot of cattails the first six seasons I had Ellie. The past two seasons found me hunting more grassy draws and such. I did not discriminate with cattails. They all got walked especially late season. As long as I have a clear shooting lane, I pull the trigger. Ellie lost a very...
  10. NDPheasant

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Willow continues to make significant progress on retrieving without the competition from Ellie (healing from ACL repair). She retrieved bird one of a double not seeing bird 2 go down (broke wing). I would have lost a bet on us retrieving bird 2. But Willow kept grinding ziggin and zagging and...
  11. NDPheasant

    Post your pictures

    I didn’t notice my hun fell to the ground by the gun!
  12. NDPheasant

    Old school

  13. NDPheasant

    Let's talk cattail strategies

    You might owe me a lap top. I literally am wiping diet coke off my screen after reading this. Interest post of the day! LMAO
  14. NDPheasant

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Awesome picture PTM!
  15. NDPheasant

    Count the ways ya can screw up

    Hunting? Details of your hunt!
  16. NDPheasant

    Count the ways ya can screw up

    Told my wife I would be home by noon.
  17. NDPheasant

    2024 Season In Pictures, Guns, Game And Dogs

    Shot a pretty quick limit today. It has been four decades since I have shot a bird with a tail feather this long (25 1/4"). The spurs were very white which seems odd but they had razer sharp points and a little bit of length. I would have guessed it to have longer spurs.
  18. NDPheasant

    Retire my hat?

    Zero chance I would retire that gem at this point. There are great powers in that hat along with a lot of memories.
  19. NDPheasant

    Dumping mud

    After my father in law emptied the boat bucket on the opposite side of the boat so my controlled drift ran my drift sock right through it, I have learned to stay far far away of him. As for out of staters, have them repeat rule #1!
  20. NDPheasant

    Dumping mud

    The 8 Rules of "Dumping Mud" Rule 1: You do NOT talk about Dumping Mud. Rule 2: YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT DUMPING MUD. Rule 3: If someone yells “Hey, I’m over here!” or a pheasant flushes near your spot, it’s over. Relocate immediately. Rule 4: Only one person in the area at a time. This includes...