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  1. W

    Let's Bitch (Can't Hunt)

    BEEF! It's What's For Dinner!! ....and always will be, at my house. I intend to live, not just exist.
  2. W

    20 gauge Browning Citori Grade 6--28"--current values?

    Remy--Exactly, of course there are. I wanted an idea of the "ask" so I'd know how realistic my potential seller's price is. I'd say its very reasonable, as it's $4,400.
  3. W

    20 gauge Browning Citori Grade 6--28"--current values?

    Thanks for the info--man, they've sure gone up in price!
  4. W

    20 gauge Browning Citori Grade 6--28"--current values?

    ....and I quote from truegun: "too little sold data to calculate a price"
  5. W

    20 gauge Browning Citori Grade 6--28"--current values?

    I have an acquaintance who has the above for sale---very clean with box and factory chokes...I've seen photos; real nice, I've met the guy and bought from him before (individual, not a dealer). I'd say original condition 97-98%. What are these selling for now? I've looked on Guns...
  6. W

    Land prices.

    There is so much unsaid or misstated in SOME of the above posts that I just don't know where to start. WDH, Remy and Tomahawker come closest to getting it right. Anybody who thinks that farming is a gold mine is very sadly misinformed. This big equipment that some think is bought by rich farmers...
  7. W

    Remington 1100 Sporting 12 gauge #25315

    I'm looking at one of these at a local shop---beautiful wood, brand new $1,299. I would use it primarily for trap. Looking for opinions from anyone who may have this specific model---do you use yours for trap? Length of pull is stated at 14" but the one I'm looking at seems longer; I see space...
  8. W

    Browning 20ga A5

    I have no idea why anybody would routinely, hunt after hunt, all season, load 5 shells in his gun. In the first place, many hunters use over/unders which by default is a 2 shot gun. And if a hunter needs 5 shots to kill a rooster, it's time to head to the skeet/trap range and do some serious...
  9. W

    2024 National Pheasant Fest in Sioux Fall, who is going?

    Yes, my wife and I are going, got the hotel reservations made. Going to hit Minerva's for dinner, then Scheel's on 41st street and Gary's Gun Shop right down the road. Really looking forward to it! We've been to the ones in Des Moines, Kansas City, Chicago and Omaha. It's a fun affair.
  10. W

    Land prices.

    I'm right there with you, GTP, I've seen some of their financials. I hear guys say--"corn CAN'T go to $3.50!" And I have to say "what's to stop it?" We saw this in the 1980's-- The American farmer is an excellent producer--but he needs a market to sell to---one that can actually PAY for what he...
  11. W

    Browning 20ga A5

    My 16 gauge Sweet 16 A5 is definitely a pheasant slayer at just under 6 lbs. Hope the 20 is a hit.
  12. W

    Land prices.

    I started at Production Credit Association in 1974, and watched inflation in land and equipment "help" the farmers in the mid-1970's through the early 1980's. Their net worth went up--but it wasn.t "earned" net worth for many; inflation made balance sheets look good. Then came the "farm crisis"...
  13. W

    Land prices.

    When we discuss land prices, we must refer to exactly where we mean, which you did. But not all of the midwest experiences the same factors which affect land prices. I still receive the Federal Reserve Bank's results of their survey of ag bankers which discusses not only land prices but rates...
  14. W

    Land prices.

    Land has HISTORICALLY increased in value, but there are no guarantees/absolutes. Remember the mid-late 1980's? I do because I was an ag banker when corn, at interior points in Iowa, was selling for $.98/bushel. Land prices in the midwest, in most places took a dive. It can happen again...
  15. W

    Boss shotgun ammunition

    I used the 3" 20 gauge Boss loads in #5 this fall and they did put the roosters down. They were expensive but the bigger picture is, if I travel 1,000 miles , stay in motels several days, eating out all that time, the Boss shells cost comparatively little in the overall trip expense and when I...
  16. W

    What choke is in your gun?

    I have read, and reread, Larry Brown's latest edition of "A Pheasant Hunter's Notebook" and he thoughtfully studies the interrelationship between gauges, chokes and loads. In the past 4-5 years I have used a 16 gauge (either the new Browning A5 with IC choke or my Merkel 1620, choked IC/Mod) and...
  17. W

    Your Experience With This?

    Wind--good to know. I have a 4wd truck with an ARE cap and I put his Ruff Land kennel with cover on in the back; he sleeps fine with that setup.
  18. W

    Your Experience With This?

    Chestie, I agree. With the plethora of pheasant hunting operations and the pressure of nonresident hunters in South Dakota, particularly in the Winner-Chamberlain-Pierre-Aberdeen areas, it stands to reason that no wild population could be reliably sustainable year-in, year out without releasing...
  19. W

    Your Experience With This?

    Thanks to all who replied. UI would seem to be an acceptable hunt destination, but I would not likely be able to bring 3 to 5 hunters to the Inn, and the idea of hunting with large parties does not appeal to me. I would agree with gps4 on the dog issue, and hunting my own dog over wild/release...
  20. W

    Your Experience With This?

    My thoughts as well, but could be a time-saver. No way to ensure if birds are really wild till you hunt them. With lodging and good meals it could be worth it--but I suspicion you are right---probably some pen raised birds in there somewhere.