Search results

  1. W

    Most reasonable lodge wild bird hunting

    Brit-- I'll attempt to address your original post. Pay no attention to the naysayers who decry lodges/outfitters. Sometimes, in some circumstances (like yours) they have their place. Before I begin, let me say my son and I hunted hard for 4 days in late October, on private land (NOT a preserve)...
  2. W

    Warmest supple gloves for 15 degree weather

    Thanks to all for the replies. Many good workable suggestions to try!
  3. W

    Warmest supple gloves for 15 degree weather

    Hunted in NW IOWA last week and shot limit both days but the cold, with my arthritis, gave me fits. Any user-tested glove recommendations? I need something that will allow dexterity so I can handle the gun and shoot in cold weather.
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    The Cabela's in Mitchell, SD was a great store in the late 90's-early 2000's. Used to stop there on our way to Pierre and parts north, to shop and buy our out-of-state licenses. They had stacks of Prairie Storm on sale, and you could buy Herter's target load 16 gauge shells for $59/flat. They...
  5. W

    Anyone buy the new Remarms 870 WINGMASTER?

    Thanks very much for that frank and insightful review. This new one looks pretty good and if it's still there in the morning I'll probably buy it.
  6. W

    Anyone buy the new Remarms 870 WINGMASTER?

    I'm looking at one in my local shop. Looks fine, I've handled it several times. If you own one of the new Wingmasters (not Fieldmaster), how do you like yours?
  7. W

    A5 16gauge

    I got my A5 Sweet when they first came out. Mine likes the Federal 16 gauge Upland #5 or #6 loads and the Boss #5 loads. It's a killer with both. I use an IC choke for pheasants and for jumping ducks. It's so light and easy to carry that I have used little else the last few years.
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    Don't give up on your dog

    I still don't regret, even for an instant, doing the dog swap mentioned in my post above. The dog I gifted was clingy, with no drive to hunt. I love dogs, but business is business. I don't have many years left to be in the field, and I'm not wasting them on a non-performer, especially with...
  9. W

    Don't give up on your dog

    About 7 years ago, I had to replace my old Chocolate Lab who was a great hunter. He was 13 and had a full life. So I went to the same breeder I got Gus from, and my first mistake: took my wife with me. She meant well but was insistent on this one remaining Chocolate pup; for whatever reason I...
  10. W

    Solar Farms = Habitat Destruction ?

    In my northern Indiana county there are at least 5 companies doing the "stealth" bit--talking to farmers to get them to sign up, but advising them NOT to tell their neighbors. A chickenshit approach, to be sure. Thus, my neighbors and I found out in late April that there have been 5,000+ acres...
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    Now is the time!

    A number of farmers in my area are turning to the "siren songs" of contracts with the wind and solar energy people. This is a disgusting turn of events which certainly doesn't bode well for bird hunters. With $3.50 Corn and $10 beans, below breakeven for most producers,--maybe lower by...
  12. W

    Governor Noem writes about her hunting dog

    Brit---I'd love to, but it would remind me too much about Nero fiddling while Rome burned.....
  13. W

    Governor Noem writes about her hunting dog

    This is an election year, we have two well known candidates, neither of whom are truly statesmen "worthy"or capable of leading the country with the most potential in the world (free or not free world, makes no difference) to make it a better place. There is belligerence and dissension everywhere...
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    Tipping a trainer

    I guess it would depend partly on how good a job it turns out that he did. I suggest get your dog home, take a few days to work with him and gauge the result. Then if your expectations are met/exceeded, show your gratitude with a check in the mail. I don't tip anymore "just because"...
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    Hard core looking for friends to hunt with.

    You just made my case. Done with this one.
  16. W

    Hard core looking for friends to hunt with.

    I do! And it's because I'm not always spreading inane bullshit when I go....
  17. W

    Hard core looking for friends to hunt with.

    I guess you could do the same, bud.
  18. W

    Hard core looking for friends to hunt with.

    This whole thread is ridiculous intellectual grab-ass. It has no relevance to what 98% of us are on this site for.
  19. W

    Boss shotgun ammunition

    This won't change any minds and it certainly won't change the law, but personally I think steel sucks. I've bought highly touted (and high priced!!) steel as well as, early on, the "promo steel"( ie like Winchester Xpert) and used the steel mostly on ducks, and steel was and is a CRIPPLER!! I...
  20. W

    2024 National Pheasant Fest in Sioux Fall, who is going?

    I would agree that the vendors were quite busy, and it appeared to me that there were more "for sale" items at this Fest than at any of the 4 other events we've attended. We bought a new vest, new dog vest, and Irish Setter 8" " Wingshooter" boots (quite a special on those). I admit to being...