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    Can I have all three?

    Now that is bad karma. I have found them and north of the river. And that was in October.
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    Long Distance Traveling for Birds

    Heck that’s way better than some motel rooms I have stayed at. And a lot cleaner.
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    Eureka SD Hunt First Time

    Stayed in Eureka at the Lakewood inn for many years. Hunting was good, not great but very decent. All public. Back then lots of okay public and got better with snow and colder temps.
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    Now that is not a bad idea. I was gonna leave some to the Golden Retriever Club. Maybe expand on that idea.
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    Long Distance Traveling for Birds

    Goose that was a mirror. Good to have you back.
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    Early Spring Observations

    So a relative normal spring or some questionable weather? The little fuzz balls should be showing now.
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    Long Distance Traveling for Birds

    So I travel a lot. Mostly I prefer to use a trailer, but sometimes I can’t. There was a motel where I looked under the bed. I left the dogs in the car and slept in my clothes on top of the bed, maybe 5 hours before I left. Than a friend was hunting with his wife and she slept with the dog...
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    Long Distance Traveling for Birds

    I don't want to ask how you know.
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    Want to give Iowa public a try

    I haven’t hunted Iowa but have hunted public in multiple other states. One man one dog even when I have been in a group. I am not a fan of blocking and driving but to each their own. I usually try to avoid the first 9 days of season in any state, not a fan of crowds. Only one dog would be my...
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    Early Spring Observations

    Real nice crowing counts. Now for a good hatch.
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    Pheasants in the wind, a specific situation

    All I know is that if I don’t get them with the first barrel the second is usually a waste. And if I do hit them with the second barrel the dog has one heck of a retrieval.
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    Looking for potential hunting partners in south central nebraska

    I might be in the area. I haven’t hunted there the last couple years because the numbers were so bad. Seems you got some rain so could consider stopping on my way south. I’m ancient with a car load of goldens, we don’t kill many but sure put a lot in the air.
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    Well crap you now have me thinking of what I should do with my guns when I pass. There's a safe full of good deals, mistakes, and just plane what was I thinking along with some heavily used ones. I do have a Winchester 30-30 that I bought from an old guy on the street when I first entered...
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    Early Spring Observations

    Updates? I saw my first duck with young today so there must be some pheasant chicks on the ground. Hope all is well with you.
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    Long Distance Traveling for Birds

    When it is consistently cold we drain the water. Just used truck stops for showers. We either use the camper toilet and dump some RV antifreeze in it or use a portapotty and dump it every couple days. Managed down to minus 25 that way okay, minus 40 and the wife threatened to leave.
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    Long Distance Traveling for Birds

    Been at home since February, camping this weekend at a dog trial. Wife and I both miss the long road trips, planning for fall hunting already. Trailer is way better for peaceful sleep.
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    New Member from Nebraska

    Welcome nice to hear about different styles.
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    E-collar question

    Been happy with sport dog, but I run retrievers. Some of mine are so old the plastic part of the collar has worn out but the mechanics are still going strong.
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    Early Spring Observations

    Thanks Greg it feels good to hear positive news.