Search results

  1. Ranger Rick

    Kennel Cough

    Has anyone out there in UPH land had experience with kennel cough? My setter is going through it for the second year in a row. Last year it cleared up quickly enough. This year after a course of anti-biotics it was waning, but just won't go away. If he gets excited he starts coughing and...
  2. Ranger Rick

    Time to ice fish

    Hitting the ice for the first time tomorrow at my place in Sayner. I'll be trying out the new harness I bought for my setter, to tow my sled. Last year I tried in attached to his collar, just for grins. The goofball towed it like a champ, until I decided to film him doing it, then he acted like...
  3. Ranger Rick

    Accidental shooting

    A very disturbing call this weekend from one of my coworkers. His son, in North Dakota duck hunting with buddies, was shot through the abdomen by a deer hunter on Saturday. Apparently their hunting party started donning blaze when deer hunters close by started shooting. While putting on the...
  4. Ranger Rick

    Another rainy day...

    Oct 5 I got soaked while bird hunting. I mean every stitch of clothing wet. Cold, too, being that wet. Took me a while in front of the fireplace to warm up. I finally broke down and bought a pair of goretex field pants from LL Bean. I'm hoping they arrive soon. It's pouring here today in...
  5. Ranger Rick

    Iowa crop report?

    What's it looking like for the crops to come off? Here in WI it's been wet. A lot of the corn is still lush green. Is anyone in your area planning to start harvesting corn?
  6. Ranger Rick

    Advice on a hard mouth?

    My 1-1/2 year old setter is coming along nicely. I worked him on planted quail late summer. As he got staunch on point, I started shooting them for him. He retrieved enthusiastically. On to the season and wild birds. Grouse population is down and we've only nailed one. Woodcock are plentiful and...
  7. Ranger Rick

    Do you know a source for training birds?

    I live in the Wausau area and will be needing birds on which to work my pup. I prefer quail as they are easy to care for and handle. My regular source has an avian virus and most of his birds died last summer. Any assistance is most appreciated.
  8. Ranger Rick

    A sick dog...

    Fellas: Max, the 9 month old Setter, and the next great bird dog, is recovering today from surgery to remove blockage in his digestive tract caused by eating carpet fibers. I've used carpet remnants for years to line the bottom of the portable crate. My other dogs would go at it once in a while...
  9. Ranger Rick

    Training birds?

    Does anyone know of a source for quail in northcentral Wisconsin? The folks I've gone to in the past had a avian virus in their coops this year that killed the majority of their birds. Without a backup source, I was unable to get my dog work on birds in the training field. Please help, if you...
  10. Ranger Rick

    Can GSP's be mean?

    A question that arises from a local tragedy. This past week a family was heading for an annual pheasant hunt in SD. The elder son, age 22, climbed into the tow-behind travel trailer to sleep after having put in an 16 hour shift. While driving, his Dad saw smoked coming out of the trailer and...
  11. Ranger Rick

    Is anyone getting excited yet?

    I see a lot of discussions about hunting, telling some stories, etc., but haven't seen much talk about this week's SD opener. I leave a week from Thursday and am getting so friggin worked up! I'm going through my gear, making lists. My new setter pup, Max, is 6 months old. While he's growing...
  12. Ranger Rick

    UN Gun Treaty concerns

    Has anyone been reading about the Treaty being considered at the UN? From an article in Forbes magazine: "While the terms have yet to be made public, if passed by the U.N. and ratified by our Senate, it will almost certainly force the U.S. to: 1.Enact tougher licensing requirements, creating...
  13. Ranger Rick

    SD Crop reports?

    Anyone have a crop report? Uguide? Haven't seen one in a while. I'm headed out Friday, so is a buddy, who told me he knew of people that are canceling, or postponing their hunts because there's too much corn standing. I guess if you've got plenty of time and are flexible, you could postpone, but...
  14. Ranger Rick


    In June, I lost my 6 year old Setter, Major, to blastomycosis. Blasto is a fungal infection the dogs pick up by breathing in spores. In Major's case, it filled his lungs. It also infects humans and we're seeing a lot of press in my area of Wisconsin due to an increase in cases. Last fall I had...
  15. Ranger Rick

    What a bummer!

    I had to cancel on next week's planned SD hunt. Over the weekend I hurt my back. Monday in the office and ended up on the floor, with my leg numb from buttocks to my toes, unable to get up. MRI shows "several herniated disks". The docs have me messed up on meds and I'm waiting to get in for a...
  16. Ranger Rick

    Need a place to rent for 2009 hunt

    Greetings, My group is talking about renewing our annual SD trip. In the past we've camped at White Lake, but I sold my camper. We are looking to rent a farmhouse, where we would do our own cooking, etc., in the White Lake area the second weekend of the season, 10/23 - 10/27. We have land to...
  17. Ranger Rick

    Need a place to stay for a 2009 hunt

    Greetings, My group is talking about renewing our annual SD trip. In the past we've camped at White Lake, but I sold my camper. We are looking to rent a farmhouse, where we would do our own cooking, etc., in the White Lake area the second weekend of the season, 10/23 - 10/27. We have land to...