Your post came across as you know it all the way you wrote it. So if you know it all please explain? I have to assume you are saying all CRP is for is money for farmers and that is it.
So what is it's purpose there big guy? If they get crop insurance for of course crops that don't pan out what is the need to cut CRP and sell that also?
I really think Pheasants Forever should step up in emergency years and pay farmers not to cut the CRP. I don't get it they have crop insurance but still need to cut all the CRP which is directly for habitat. This year is definitely worst I have seen in my 26 years hunting there.
Hunted the opener yesterday and it was worse than I imagined. Most all of the CRP was mowed and the stuff they mowed last year didn't get tall enough to matter much. I heard one shot before the wind got bad yesterday morning around 9:30. Gonna be a tough season again there this year.
CRP ideally should border stuff like corn, wheat or other food sources. My experience is this combination builds a lot of birds if predators aren't a huge problem. I hunted a 180 acre CRP plot for many years and we easily saw 100 birds each trip usually. This was in Nebraska but unfortunately...
I had a dog from a reputable breeder here in CO that had seizures which seemed to be a glucose issue. We previously only were feeding her in the evenings and then after the seizures we gave her some food in the mornings that seemed to help with them. I actually filmed one of them on my Go Pro as...
Do all Outdoors makes several ones that you hook a car battery up to and can operate and shoot at the same time. I have one I really like I have had for about 15 years.
I ended up buying one myself, I like everything but the extra weight it adds to the end of your gun. Will use it on clays but unsure about in the field. It weighs just under a pound.
PF is a great organization, I am a life member myself. True I think some parts of the U.S. lacks more support from them, Nebraska is where I mostly hunt and I don't see much of anything in the county I hunt. I mainly hunt private land there so I don't have to search for public places. The...
West of McCook, Hitchcock and Dundy counties.
If I was you I would maybe rethink it. Mowed CRP, grazed CRP, poor cover and a buddy of mine hunted up by Imperial and did pretty much the same.
Just got back from a 2 day hunt in SW NE. Bagged 1 bird in about 10 hours of hunting. Some of the worst conditions I have seen in 25 years hunting the same places. Really appears there was not much of a hatch last summer cause there are not many birds period. Guess I am gonna have to try SD or...