Search results

  1. M

    Ear protection while bird hunting

    Which means wind noise would be bad almost every day in Kansas. I'll wear ear plugs when dove hunting and duck hunting (which I don't do all that often). I'll have them with me and put them in if possible before shooting a deer. I've tried wearing one in my left ear while bird hunting, but...
  2. M

    Turn out the lights

    If there had been a confirmed encounter that would have been a victory. Granted I've never hunted scalies before so my expectations were pretty low. There was one point were the dogs started the "dance"--point, relocate, point, relocate, etc. It looked like scalie habitat to me, but nothing...
  3. M

    Land prices.

    As an aspirational land buyer, I hope you're right that prices will come down. As a friend and beneficiary of many landowners/producers, I hope it's nothing like the 80s. My real point, though, is that haven't we been saying this for a while? In Kansas at least, we've seen 2 if not 3 years...
  4. M

    Turn out the lights

    Great picture documenting what must have been a great day! A friend and I made the long trek from Wichita to Elkhart over the weekend to chase the (mythical?) scalies of Kansas. We got our a$$es kicked. On the way home we talked a little about NM...
  5. M

    SDGFP cracking down on non-resident resident licensing?

    I'm no expert, but it's certainly possible that "residency" can mean different things for different purposes. IE, being a resident for hunting/fishing licenses is different than being a resident for tagging your car/RV/boat/etc/ and also different than for income tax purposes. Those RVers...
  6. M

    Your Experience With This?

    It's absolutely a released bird operation. Maybe the birds are better than most, maybe not. I've never used them. We own some ground in the area and they sent us an inquiry letter about leasing our ground. Of course it was phrased as a "research project" investigating re-establishing wild...
  7. M

    How Cold Is To Cold?

    Our temps were not that cold over the weekend, but still extremely cold for Kansas. We had daytime "highs" in the single digits, with windchills between -15 and -25. My dogs spend very little time outside in general and vizslas have pretty short hair too. I really wanted to go, but I skipped...
  8. M

    Can you help with what's in the crop

    Definitely not sorghum. Doesn't really look like Kansas wheat either. I'd guess oats or barley.
  9. M

    Lost birds

    I lost a quail last year that we actually saw and almost had hands on. The dogs found it, it took off running, the dogs and I chased, and it disappeared. After many minutes of additional searching we discovered a small animal burrow, probably no bigger in diameter than a softball. The dogs...
  10. M

    Crispi boots fail

    My irish setter Wingshooters lasted about 2.5 seasons. It was really disappointing because I loved them. I'm currently wearing this boot: Less than a season so far, but so far, so good. If these don't...
  11. M

    Look I really need help on this one

    We sometimes talk about "just being out there" "the scenery" "the dogs love it" "peaceful quite" and on and on. While all these things are somewhat true, it is the possibility of a shootable flush that really makes the difference. Honestly, whether birds numbers are high or low, how many of us...
  12. M

    USFWS Onx Changes

    Quivira NWR in Kansas showed properly on my phone, but the browser app didn't have the detail. Phone: desktop:
  13. M

    Reload recommendations

    agreed, longshot shoots dirty.
  14. M

    Reload recommendations

    1 oz in a 20 gauge has always been a challenge. The last time I needed wads for a load like this the only one I could find was remington and that wasn't easy. Longshot powder is about the best choice. As you noted, you're not going to get much over 1200 fps regardless and Longshot keeps the...
  15. M

    Reload recommendations

    Reloading data is so easy to get these days. Those powders are all included in Hodgdon's data, linked by Chestle. You will encounter a couple of challenges though: Last I checked, there was only a little data out there on Cheddite primers, at least on Hodgdon's site. I don't think you'll find...
  16. M

    North Kansas

    It's so cool to see them figuring it out. I'm sure you've posted the breed before, but is that a PP? I used to have one of those low-effort, low-but-reliable-success spots. It was about 20 minutes from my house. I can still hunt it, but I don't These days it's "one covey if I'm lucky" rather...
  17. M


    Phragmites are moist soil plants like cattails. Generally taller, with thinner stems and feathery seed heads. They are an invasive plant.
  18. M

    Start of Prairie Chicken Season

    Conventional wisdom is that PC form bigger flocks in winter and get even more difficult to approach on foot. Pass shooting as they fly from pastures to harvested grain fields in the morning is the traditional method for this time of year. However, I've heard of serious dog guys that continue...
  19. M

    2023/2024 Pheasant Hunting Videos

    I guess you're not a fan of Tyler... His podcast is sometimes OK, but I haven't spent much time with his youtube stuff. As to your basic question, I'll offer the following: 15-20 minutes, but view that more as a maximum than a minimum very short intro misses and bad dog work are interesting...
  20. M

    2023/2024 Pheasant Hunting Videos

    Great to see all those hens!