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  1. H

    2021 youth Gobbler action

    Nice gobbler! I miss those days when both my boys were young for turkey hunting. Hopefully grandsons in the future.
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    Favorite Habitat to Hunt

    I prefer CRP about knee high to see my dog with no strips. I like watching my dog pen the birds or at least try to. I also hit nesting areas or areas close to roads the last hr of hunting.
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    Tell me this isn't smokin' hot

    You must know different Amish than I am talking about. The last gentleman I talked to operates a green house that typically has at least 20 customers there at one time on Saturdays. Several of them operate businesses open to the public. They are far from isolated. A lot of the men travel daily...
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    Tell me this isn't smokin' hot

    The vaccine scares me way more than the virus does. I was talking to an Amish gentleman the other day in Iowa, their large community hasn't had any outbreaks, probably because they don't get tested. They are as common folk as you can get and all that I speak to claim this has been blown way out...
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    More bombast, nothing to worry about here - right?

    His address had parts that were based on communism no doubt. We should be very concerned.
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    Look away

    Another question I am curious about. Do you support defunding the police force and if so why? If not, why do you support a party that does.
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    Hinge cutting trees for habitat improvement/ with pics

    I did this last year and witnessed pheasant using the cover a lot this hard winter.
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    Dog GPS - cheaper alternatives

    Does the Geo-Fence work around your home? Thanks
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    Tell me this isn't smokin' hot

    I love South Dakota and everything it stands for. I also love the split out of state license, it gives us hunters a chance that live farther away to have a good time.
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    Tell me this isn't smokin' hot

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    Kansas Trespassing Fee for Private Land

    Im not even sure what state's wildlife explotation means in regards to pheasant hunting? All I know its as renewable as it gets for game birds. Turn a 100 acre bare field into pollinating habitat...Boom 100 birds in 2-3 years That takes
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    Tell me this isn't smokin' hot

    Any state with common sense with a good resource of any kind would market it. Even California does this. Like it or not it's their resource.
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    Brown gravey:-)
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    Brining helps a lot with waterfowl. Not my favorite but it helps.
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    Wireless fence and underground?

    Would underground be better? Do you like your brand? Thanks
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    Wireless fence and underground?

    We have a downslope yard with a couple trees. Any experience? Thank you
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    NE Iowa Grouse

    I asked a local guy that owns a bait store and gun shop in Lansing, Mark. He said few if any. DNR is recently working on grouse habitat for 1 public area.
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    What's the weather like where you are?

    11 below in SE Iowa with over a foot of snow and some ice mixed in, I feed pheasants every morning. Numbers are better than I thought they would be.
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    How to judge a good bird dog?

    One that makes you smile a LOT.
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    Force Fetch Table

    Thank you kindly..I have had 5 bird dogs in my life..loved them all like a kid..thought I would attempt to FF our 1st Griffon pup that we are to take home the end of May.