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  1. GW from Tenn


    Thanks, I don't really know how to post pics yet. Sorry.
  2. GW from Tenn


    I'm from West Tennessee, been pheasant hunting in North Dakota, Kansas, and South Dakota for the last six years straight. Absolutely love it and my dogs, I have 2 Labs and 2 Springers. It's a pretty long drive to North Dakota but that's where I got started several years ago.
  3. GW from Tenn

    Excellent Lab pups

    That's a good looking pup! I wish I could get just one more.
  4. CD99BA4F-0FF6-4137-B3A2-810231803B34.jpeg


    My springer Boone on our North Dakota hunt October of 19. I'm so proud of my boy right here, his first trip and he was AWESOME!!!
  5. GW from Tenn

    Albino pheasant?

    Yeah, my Dad and I seen one last fall hunting in central North Dakota. I think it was a hen, it got in the wind and was gone. It came right over our heads.
  6. GW from Tenn

    What do you feed your Hunting Dog

    What kind of dogs? Labs?
  7. GW from Tenn

    Dog’s feet

    Thanks for all the help. I'm good on the dog situation, I have 4 dogs. I'm just needed the best solution to keep they're feet healthy enough to hunt. I don't have the luxury of living close to the states that have an abundance of pheasants so we (my Dad and I) take a trip once a year. We've been...
  8. GW from Tenn

    Dog’s feet

    What is the best solution to keep your dogs feet healthy enough to hunt everyday on a 2 week hunt in the Dakota’s? We’ve tried several ideas and none seem to be full prove