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  1. Golden Hour

    What are you doing to get ready for the upcoming season?

    Beans are a week to ten days away from harvest in some fields around here. Harvest is always moisture dependent, but without any rain, I'd guess the majority of crops will be harvested by the traditional pheasant opener.
  2. Golden Hour

    Weather Conditions near Watertown, SD?

    I'd guess one or two are still hanging around. As for the rest, my weekends are pretty booked up for the foreseeable future.
  3. Golden Hour

    Weather Conditions near Watertown, SD?

    We have had a good nesting/brood rearing season. Rains at just the right time. I've spoken to some farmers and rural residents and they are seeing some broods, the most uplifting news is that those broods contain 8 or more chicks.
  4. Golden Hour

    Salt Creek Bismuth??

    Ask Santa
  5. Golden Hour

    More pheasants than ever before!!

    I remind my wife at least a dozen times a year how godd@#$ blessed she is to have a husband who doesn't archery hunt, doesn't decoy waterfowl, doesn't hunt out of state, would never waste time or money to shoot a bunch of zoo animals in Africa, etc. So for the die hard pheasant hunters like...
  6. Golden Hour


    I don't hunt western SD until it's nice and cold. Snakes are right up there with ticks, mosquitoes and dog crap on my shoes.
  7. Golden Hour

    Interesting Fun Fact Friday post on FB from PF

    Hens will consume aquatic shells along the shores and slough edges (snails, primarily in this area) in preparation to nest.
  8. Golden Hour

    More rain! Widespread!

    After looking and thinking about it a while, I wonder if it isn't Nightshade. Toxic to people, but animals eat them frequently. Could you estimate the diameter?
  9. Golden Hour

    Interesting Fun Fact Friday post on FB from PF

    Wonder if there is anything guys can do in calcium poor areas to help the birds.
  10. Golden Hour

    More rain! Widespread!

    Acting knowledgeable is one of my best skills, thanks for noticing. ;) I remember hearing a guy claim that the "late hopper hatch" was a boon for pheasants, but I'm skeptical. While grasshoppers are a good food source, they certainly are unlikely to be the make or break for a chick and have...
  11. Golden Hour

    More rain! Widespread!

    We had a little over 2" in Watertown yesterday. A big storm came through on Friday, but only registered about .3 of an inch. Regardless, it was well timed for the farmers, as the beans and corn were getting quite stressed. I'm confident this moisture will carry us through. On another note...
  12. Golden Hour

    More pheasants than ever before!!

    SDGFP is pretty careful to monitor the numbers of pen raised flare nare pseudoroosters that are released/harvested when it comes to the licensed preserves. Undoubtedly, there are plenty of places that are not licensed preserves, but that have paying hunters and those outfits release...
  13. Golden Hour

    South Dakota Hunting Atlas Map

    I'm guessing they are updating it and it should be up within a day or so. Here is the mobile version -
  14. Golden Hour

    What are you doing to get ready for the upcoming season?

    For those of us with a digestive system that is not geriatric, Casey's pizza settles just fine. ;)
  15. Golden Hour

    Prairie grouse trip

    I'll never forget my buddy's dad when I told him I was out at their ranch hunting grouse. He snickered and said, "Seriously? People hunt those things?" They certainly don't possess the cunning and wiles of a mature rooster, but if the difference between hunting and not hunting is a grouse...
  16. Golden Hour

    What are you doing to get ready for the upcoming season?

    Pheasant hunters utilizing this method of conditioning pheasants make up about 83% of our gross sales. Keep on keepin' on, my man.
  17. Golden Hour

    Rain in some of pheasant country…🙏🏻🤞

    A coworker told me that the airport here in Watertown reported 0.9" My folks out in Florence had 0.65" My aunt that lives by Clark had 4" overnight, bringing their two week total to 13"
  18. Golden Hour

    Rain in some of pheasant country…🙏🏻🤞

    The rain is a godsend, for everyone, especially those who sell fireworks! If I had a time machine, I'd go back and have those guys meet up in Philly about the middle to end of May to sign the Declaration. If the majority of South Dakota can get back into a normal pattern of precip, I am...
  19. Golden Hour

    SDGFP News

    I just received this email. Nothing superfluous, but worth a read. Quality Habitat Means Abundant Birds in South Dakota PIERRE, S.D. – The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) today announced the pheasant harvest total from the 2022-2023 season. The traditional season ran...
  20. Golden Hour

    Pen-Reared Pseudo Roosters

    In all seriousness, I don't care if someone chooses to shoot pen raised pheasants. Here's a list of things I do care about: 1. Domestic pheasants with potential diseases interacting with wild pheasants 2. Pen raised pheasants being present and potentially minimizing my hunt on public land 3...