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  1. s.davis

    Start of Prairie Chicken Season

    Minnesota is pretty devoid of topography. Makes Kansas look like Colorado.
  2. s.davis

    Kennel cover question

    I don't think you are ever supposed to zip them fully closed. You need to leave a window open or space at the bottom of the door for air.
  3. s.davis

    Getting Good Rain

    Man, how sad would it be to spend your hunting life around "men" who were so sensitive they didn't insult each other's dogs?
  4. s.davis

    O/U with a Student Budget

    $500 is much better spent on a used than new gun, and much better spent on a semi-auto or pump than an over under. You can start getting a good, but unfashionable, O/U at about the $900 range.
  5. s.davis

    Opening Day in Kansas

    It's been so warm and dry, I've only been out once in KS. Hit my little lazy northeast honey hole. Put up some hens and a spectacular covey of bobs in a quick walk. This weekend with the snow...I opted for Iowa public instead of Kansas private. It used to be that if I was going to drive a few...
  6. s.davis

    2023 Iowa bird hunt pics and/or stories

    Love that Missouri fur grouse! The state is marketing pheasant hunting hard...too hard. The bird numbers seem decent for the last 3 or so years, but the habitat and access is not going to be able to sustain the DNR trying to pimp the hunting out this hard.
  7. s.davis

    Chokes for wild pheasants in a 16 ga. O/U

    I shoot Sk2/Mod in my main pheasant gun, which is a 16. I usually shoot bismuth 5s or 4s.
  8. s.davis

    Opening Day in Kansas

    I take a little heart in Iowa's recent turn around. They were at a lower nadir for pheasants than Kansas is now only a few short years ago, and that was from a much higher peak than even the best years in Kansas. So, positive change can happen. It bothers some people's sensibilities to hear it...
  9. s.davis

    Does South Dakota law enforcement use pheasant decoys?

    Look, some men need some authority figure to keep them moral, I guess. I'm not one of them. And I'm definitely not one who thinks the ends justify any means of policing. There are rules of engagement between cops and citizens in this country and there are good reasons why those rules have been...
  10. s.davis

    Does South Dakota law enforcement use pheasant decoys?

    No they should not.
  11. s.davis

    Does South Dakota law enforcement use pheasant decoys?

    I don't know, maybe do some police work? Should firefighters build houses with faulty wiring just to put them out when they catch on fire?
  12. s.davis

    Does South Dakota law enforcement use pheasant decoys?

    Like I said, I don't pay (most of my taxes) to cops to have them create crimes that otherwise would not occur. It's a disgusting practice and should be outlawed. If you lure someone into committing a crime you aren't enforcing the law, you are an accomplice.
  13. s.davis

    Does South Dakota law enforcement use pheasant decoys?

    Slob cops. Entrapment is un-American and the police who do it should be kicked in the ass and banned from police work. Disgusting practice.
  14. s.davis

    Hunter harassment walking road right of ways...

    ^^ This is the correct response. Bullies will bully until you stop them.
  15. s.davis

    Now all the govt has to do is ban foreign ammo

    Worshipping the false idol of "free" markets has consequences.
  16. s.davis

    Does South Dakota law enforcement use pheasant decoys?

    It’s probably a landowner trying to catch trespassers. Hopefully not the DNR. Cops should prevent crimes, or solve them if they happen, not create them.
  17. s.davis

    2023 Season

    As the Haitians say "Not every sickness is a sickness for the doctor"...
  18. s.davis

    Birds up….

    % increases pretty meaningless if the floor is too low.
  19. s.davis

    Grant County pheasants?

    If I started hunting pheasants in 2017 in Oklahoma or Kansas I might have quit by now.
  20. s.davis

    Why do the wildlife folks cut every tree

    My god, that's sad. Looks like Texas hill country.