So...I’m driving down the road pheasant hunting in Eastern Colorado( almost on the Kansas border) and I see a group of these little guys sitting on a fence post. After doing a double take I had to take a picture because I could not believe my eyes...a GAMBEL‘S QUAIL (which I hunt in the desert...
Thanks Nugent! Colorado pheasant hunting is definitely a grind sometimes. Growing up pheasant hunting here has taught me to appreciate every bird I see or shoot.
Colorado has lost a lot of CRP over the past couple of years. A new program they introduced a few years back enrolls the corners of the center pivot cornfields into habitat/ hunting opportunity. It looks like the DOW/Pheasants Forever has worked with landowners to enhance some of the corners and...
NDPheasant-Fresh snow makes a big difference. Even when I did not actually see birds I found areas that the birds were using and moving through. I will definitely come back to those areas.
Thanks for watching!
I have really been impressed with the corners program. I know birds could use entire crp fields but the DOW has really done a good job with the habitat on the corners of the center pivot corn fields. I’m hoping they can expand this program.
With the ongoing drought in Colorado I have focused on scaled quail this year rather than pheasant. Was able to bag a few this weekend.
Scaled Quail Success Footage