Search results

  1. J

    Opening day!

    Hello and long time no talk! How did everyone's opening day fair??? I went to public stocked land in Chester county this morning, beautiful fall morning. Birds stayed put for a little while due to nice frost; until more hunters came and really got things moving. My friends dog did much better...
  2. J

    Cz mallard

    Anyone use a CZ Mallard and your opinions?
  3. J

    20ga o/u or sxs

    Looking for Stoeger Condor or uplander, 20ga or 16ga. I will be interested in other o/u or sxs you have to offer. Can't afford your thousand dollar guns unless you are in a generous mood and feel like knocking a digit or two off!
  4. J

    I know this isn't the classifieds but...

    If you want me to take this down I will, I just figured I'd ask you guys since you're local. I am looking for your used 20 ga or 16 ga o/u or sxs. For a short moment there I considered buying the Turkish ATI Calvary but quickly realized my error. I am looking for used CZ bobwhite, ring neck...
  5. J

    Uploading Photos

    Since I can't be the only new guy who still counts with his fingers, can anyone explain how to upload photos, in 'simple man' terms please?
  6. J


    Hey all, I am new to the site and fairly new to pheasant hunting, just wanted to stop by and say hello to my fellow PA Outdoorsmen! I look forward to picking a lot of your brains and sharing stories!