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  1. Gobbler

    Hunting solo tactics

    Yes...all kidding aside, I hunt pheasants like I do spring turkey. I even try not to let my chamber slam when loading on those quiet morning.
  2. Gobbler

    Hunting solo tactics

    I walk out to field backwards so they think I'm leaving.
  3. Gobbler

    Post your pictures

    more shots
  4. Gobbler

    Another year shot to hell and time for January/February chukar hunting.

    Wow, that is a fantastic mount! I love the idea of pheasant quail combo. Can I come see that mount in person next fall in person and bring my gun just in case we are looking for something to do after I see it?
  5. Gobbler

    When was the golden age of pheasant hunting?

    Believe it or not, Upstate NY was once very good wild pheasant hunting in the 50's and 60's. They are as rare as an honest politician there now.
  6. Gobbler

    Unusual pheasant

    Well...I've got it frozen. It sounds like they are not common. I think I better get in mounted
  7. Gobbler

    December 2024 Hunt (Somewhat Long Post)

    Thanks for taking the time to take us along. Great post!
  8. Gobbler

    AZ quail

    Thanks wild hair is tickling my hams so I think I will try anyway. I tried to go last year but had to pull out. Any general location tips?
  9. Gobbler

    AZ quail

    Any word on the bird numbers in AZ so far this season? I'm looking at a 35 hour solo drive here in Jan. and I was hoping somebody could talk me out of it?
  10. Gobbler

    Unusual pheasant

    Has anyone seen a pheasant like the one I shot in Eureka SD this November? It is closed nosed so no game farm bird.
  11. Gobbler

    Tripping or Falling

    Well...this thread just talked me out of going out to SD alone again here in January. I'm 72 and haven't fallen yet so I'm way overdue. All joking aside I did see way more badger holes than in past years on my November trip to SD. They dig them under the cover so you can't see them until it's...
  12. Gobbler


    Ok....good to know! Thanks
  13. Gobbler


    I thought the flared nostril were due to the blinders they put on these pen birds growing up so they don't peck the hell out of each other growing up. I didn't think the state require it.
  14. Gobbler

    2 day walk in trip

    You understand OnX crop layering is last year's crop ...right? It shows what was planned in 2023. I know it doesn't help much this year unless you know the crop rotation of the area.
  15. Gobbler

    Hunting silently and way out of gun range

    If a wild turkey can see color you have to believe a pheasant can as well but how does a bird in any kind of thick ground cover see if you have orange on or not?
  16. Gobbler

    First time Pheasant Trip SD

    If you don't have it already and you're a smartphone owner, I highly suggest the OnX Hunt app. Buy the state of SD for $35 and worth every penny. This will show all the public ground in the state layered over the Google maps satellite images. All the public hunting borders are highlighted and it...
  17. Gobbler

    "Thank you" for access to land?

    I have always given a landowners that has given me permission a $20 gift card to local diner in town. This sure to be appreciated. I try to come back later that afternoon or the next day. Do that and the next time you ask them you will get another yes.
  18. Gobbler

    Long Distance Traveling for Birds

    I've done it both ways. I pulled a camper from Buffalo NY to Alberta to go bird hunting one fall, not to mention several years to Montana. Last few years I stayed at motels. Both have their pro's and cons. A few thoughts about pulling a camper. It adds another half dozen snags that can pop up...
  19. Gobbler

    Something special about South Dakota

    I've hunted Montana, Kansas, NE, ND, and SD. What's great about Montana is you never know for sure what birds are going to flush next, pheasant,hun, sharpie. Plus, most locals don't hunt upland birds so permission is easier. Too bad it's another 10 hour drive added to my already17 hours to SD...
  20. Gobbler

    Pheasant Hunting

    Thanks guys for expiring me! They say you only get one great dog in your lifetime and in my case that is true. Having owned over a dozen hunting dogs in my life there is none that could hold a dog biscuit to my ole yellow Lab, “Cove.” He is our once-in-a-lifetime dog. Named after my...