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  1. Gobbler

    Vest suggestions

    I bought the Kuiu when I first came out in September and love it so far. It just needs some more blood on it!!!
  2. Gobbler

    Slowing your dog

    I better clarify, so I don't sounds too stupid. I'm talking flusher not a pointer who stops anyway on hot scent
  3. Gobbler


    Last F150 I put 289,000 miles on with no real problems
  4. Gobbler


    I bought a new 2023 F150 in March and already have 29,000 miles on it. I love the truck, but just about a month ago I had an axle bolt break out of no where for no good reason. I had heard some rattling in the backend and thought is was just a stone I had picked up Anyway when I was having...
  5. Gobbler

    Slowing your dog

    I love the idea of sitting on a whistle blast but you rarely see it done with upland dogs in the field. It one thing to train a retriever when he is going out on a retrieve to stop on the whistle and look back at you but another to stop a bird dog of any kind when it is on a hot scent. I'm not...
  6. Gobbler

    End of shooting hours,? for evening hunters

    Yeah I with gimruis...I had a buddy that used to carry his pistol fishing with me in my boat no less. Some of these extreme pistol dudes make me nervous.
  7. Gobbler

    Help me plan a trip to NoDak

    Maybe go a little further west to eastern Montana for mixed bag....Plentywood area .Tons of BLM land and a large Reservation to hunt if you buy their license . ND is getting tricky these day for non-residents as you have to look property up online to see if t's posted now
  8. Gobbler

    End of shooting hours,? for evening hunters

    Lion and tigers and bears oh my! I use to call fox and coyote alone after dark wearing a red headlight. Very affective but always had the unsettling feeling something was coming in behind me. I soon got a partner and that feeling went away. Us waterfowlers know what shooting time is to the...
  9. Gobbler

    Slowing your dog

    That's always been that age old million dollar question in the wild pheasant hunting world especially these educated bird now. The easy answer is to try and keep up with them. but that's easier said than done especially for my old ass.. I don't know the answer. I've seen guys that have trained...
  10. Gobbler

    Looking for a New O/U

    I notice on Sportsman Warehouse website they show the details on many of the popular shotguns. Not that you have to buy from them but an easy way to compare weights and other details of different guns
  11. Gobbler

    Game warden question

    That fries my ass to hear this story! Tell that warden to go catch some real criminals! Harnessing your wife like that! What ever happened to common sense when enforcing these laws. .
  12. Gobbler

    No weekend reports?

    Ace...what a beautiful springer!!!! Just the right size to get under those bent over cattails and hunt those tunnels that exist under there. I had one in my younger days and no breed hunts harder. I've seen Ace in action on your videos. You are a lucky man. I believe even I could kill a...
  13. Gobbler

    Sub-Zero Temps Worth The Trip?

    Yes weathertech makes a product that slips into window slots that protects door panels to a degree but any serious chewer you would put crate door on.
  14. Gobbler

    Sub-Zero Temps Worth The Trip?

    The problem is If you try to put two individual crates in the backseat they will be too long. I actually had to cut mine down to pull it of
  15. Gobbler

    Sub-Zero Temps Worth The Trip? those only longer. Full length of backseat with maybe a divider in the the center that you can take in or out.
  16. Gobbler

    Brush pants with zipper legs

    Chaps are the ticket. Most have full length zippers and you can wear as warm of as comfortable pants you want underneath. Plus if you have to stop at a wedding or a funeral (some would argue... same thing) after hunt you just down the zipper and off they come and you can have your Sunday go to...
  17. Gobbler

    Sub-Zero Temps Worth The Trip?

    Which by the way if there are any dog crate manufactures out there. A double crate length-wise with doors on each end that would fit length-wise in backseat of most trucks I think would be a great product.
  18. Gobbler

    Sub-Zero Temps Worth The Trip?

    No heated vested! When the dogs are hunting they are fine, other than pads on crusted snow which can be a real problem.. Bring water in the field as some of that very cold is very dry as well. When I am traveling on a few day drive hunting trip. I have two dogs in the back seat of crew cab in...
  19. Gobbler

    Sub-Zero Temps Worth The Trip?

    All the above advice is right, but the bottom line is most of the time you're only out of the truck for a couple hours per spot so you'll be fine
  20. Gobbler

    Sub-Zero Temps Worth The Trip?

    Bring a nice long tow strap. Easy to slide off those back roads that have no shoulder. Especially when trying to park or pull over. I've done it twice.