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  1. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Had a few days of high winds and blowing dust with zero visibility in places. Then a chance of rain. Got some sprinkles, but that was all.
  2. M. R. Byrd

    Gas Prices

    $5.11 on diesel in Dodge City
  3. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    my dancing has sure slowed down with the mileage on this aging body. I will keep trying, as best I can.
  4. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    I farmed all week and didn't see much wildlife two lone hens a pair of quail a covey of 12 good number of dove good number of meadowlarks several redtails following me And the first fawn of the year showed up on game camera pretty bleak
  5. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    August 28, 2022 post from DDC weather
  6. M. R. Byrd

    You're all full of it.....

    Quite a thread here. I don't have much to add, except to say that Prairie Drifter is the finest property manager that I have ever met. It is amazing what he plans and does for Kingman Wildlife Area. Keep it up Drifter.
  7. M. R. Byrd

    Wheat Harvest

    A farmer friend in Texas suffered though this drought and when some rains finally came there was a flush of tumbleweeds, so he chopped it for silage. Got to take advantage of whatever life gives you.
  8. M. R. Byrd

    Going Fishing Instead of Just Wishing

    Harold Ensley, great sportsman, great tv show.
  9. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    The forecasted flash flooding from the monsoon didn't happen. Had 1.05" + the 0.25" = 1.30". No moisture forecast in the ten day forecast.
  10. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    A quarter of an inch here at the Ponderosa. Hope it is enough to prime the pump. Come on rain.
  11. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    7/26/2022 Latest weather outlook.
  12. M. R. Byrd

    Bucket list trips!

    Chestle, That looks good. Bet it would work with grouper also. Thanks, Maynard
  13. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Dry in Garden City, Kansas. This was on facebook a few days ago. 2.04" since January 1st
  14. M. R. Byrd

    Bucket list trips!

    What is in the Halibut Olympia? Looks delicious
  15. M. R. Byrd

    Bucket list trips!

    It was a friends and family trip with my late brother, who was a charter operator. He always provided quite an adventure. The Shipley Bay cabin is remote and seldom used. In 2009, two guys from Portland spent a couple days there and then my brother was there two times of a week each. We hunted...
  16. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Thanks. Age is slowing me down and heat really gets to me. I am thankful that I am able to do as much as I can.
  17. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    small chance of rain next Thursday, I pray it happens
  18. M. R. Byrd

    NEWS FLASH: Drought ends at Ponderosa

    Tuesday, July 19, 2022
  19. M. R. Byrd

    Bucket list trips!

    And halibut