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  1. E

    Best cover type for pointing dogs

    I have a big shorthair and he’s happy to plow through cattails like a bulldozer. What I struggle with is if I should stand there while he works and wait for him to lock a bird down? Or should I try and keep up with him? It seems like when we hunt cattails with birds in them, they’ll be boiling...
  2. E

    2022 Season

    Good work Sunsets! Getting a limit of late season birds is a great accomplishment! And thanks for the tip on the snowshoes, leaving the boots strapped in is genius.
  3. E

    2022 Season

    I made it over for the last 2 hours of the day. The snow was just about right, still manageable to walk in and kryptonite for the birds! Several super tight points with birds flushing at my feet. I managed to bag one, missed several others, dog was not impressed.
  4. E

    2022 Season

    Ugh, did the freezing rain in SW MN end up freezing on all the grass and trees? Or did it stay warm enough it was just wet and now the snow will end up on top of it? I’m also heading over tomorrow for a few days of late season hunting.
  5. E

    Kent Bismuth

    I’ll second the Boss #5’s, cost is reasonable for non-tox and out performs steel by a lot.
  6. E

    Best cover type for pointing dogs

    As we get closer to the late season but currently minimal snow, what cover types does everyone prefer for pointers? Cattails? Tall bluestem? Woody cover? Brome? CRP type grass? Foodplots? Others?
  7. E

    E Collar

    I have a Garmin 550 Pro Plus and I’m very pleased with it. It does tracking and e-collar all in one so you don’t need to put 2 collars on. The tracking on the transmitter only shows how far the dog is and what direction the dog is but unless you have a huge running dog that’s more than enough...
  8. E

    GSP bumping birds

    Thanks for the replies. Hunt1, when he doesn’t notice the bird flushing it’s usually in pretty heavy cover like cattails. He doesn’t have a cautious bone in his body so when he loses the trail he’ll be rooting around in there too aggressively and eventually the bird pops. We get enough wild...
  9. E

    GSP bumping birds

    This probably belongs in the bird dog forum but I figured it would get more visibility in the pheasant hunting forum. I have a GSP that is in his 3rd season now. I have hunted a lot of wild pheasants with him and some put and take pre-released state birds. He has always done a lot foot scent...