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  1. Chestle

    Fitting a shotgun

    You can use a mirror and look at it from the other end as well. Obviously with an unloaded shotgun.
  2. Chestle

    Recipes for Roosters

    If you can make it with chicken, you can make it with pheasant. Just have to be aware that pheasant quickly gets tough and flavorless if overcooked. So watch your heat and time and reduce accordingly. In camp we've done all sorts of stuff. Pheasant Cordon Bleu, Pheasant Parmagiana, Sweet &...
  3. Chestle

    Sold Reloads?? Should I say something?

    I've had several NIB 20ga Winchester Super-Target shells come right out of the sealed box looking like that. I had one factory sealed box that had probably a half an ounce of 8s rolling around in it when I opened it. I have also noticed hulls with little to no "ink" on them indicating the load...
  4. Chestle

    Winchester 20 Gauge 2 3/4" 1oz. 1300FPS Super Pheasant Copper Plated Diamond Grade

    I've heard and read about record gun sales and ammo purchases. I'm an RSO at a public range. All I can tell you is our total number of shooters took about a 60% drop in the first 18 months after the covid isolatio9 stuff started. Even though we're an outdoor range. Usage numbers are still at...
  5. Chestle

    Winchester 20 Gauge 2 3/4" 1oz. 1300FPS Super Pheasant Copper Plated Diamond Grade

    Supposedly Vista Outdoors has been running the lines 24/7/365 since October 2021. Since then, shotgun sports have been reporting a decline in shots fired. IE: the ATA shows registered target totals way down. Given the scarcity and price hikes, it's reasonable to think that shotgun shooters...
  6. Chestle

    Ammo Deal - Rogers

    I prefer 5s but that is too good a deal to pass up when quality pheasant loads are tapping on $30+ a box. Thanks for the heads up! Free shipping @ $100 is the icing on the cake!
  7. Chestle

    Grandma brought some luck

    Great pics. Glad your Guardian Angel was with you on the road.
  8. Chestle

    NW is Dismal

    That is just sad beyond words.
  9. Chestle

    12 Gauge Retay Gordion Walnut

    Kind of been perusing those Retays. If it was yours, can you give a short pro/con on it?
  10. Chestle

    Garmin Alpha 10 or Alpha 100

    Three's an old thread here that will get you started with some pros/cons.
  11. Chestle

    Trap club

    The website, is a State website If that’s what you are asking. When you click on the individual ranges it has info on ownership and operators. For instance some say “club”, so that’s not State owned. Hillsdale, for example, shows State owned but operated by another non-State...
  12. Chestle

    Trap club

    Probably about all the shooting ranges of various types in KS The Colby Trap Club: As a side note, some of the State owned/operated ranges are undergoing...
  13. Chestle

    Mini report and a few observations/questions on cattails and roosting sites

    I've seen them in trees. The SD guys we hunt with say it means there's predators like coyotes in the area. Who knows.
  14. Chestle

    Just can't win

    I have an actual Winchester 1897 riot gun I could let you have for a lot less than they are asking for that ..... modified thing. It's in used but really good shape. It has accounted for quite a few pheasant back in the early 70s. Had a lot of fun with this back then. <Edit> On second...
  15. Chestle

    Opening Weekend – Report from Western NE

    And then you made coffee? ;)
  16. Chestle

    Opening Weekend – Report from Western NE

    Good report, interesting tale, great pics. Always fun to read about other trips. Thanks for the heads up on the Skouts Honor. My group has had several skunk encounters over the years. Worst/funniest one was a Lab on point in waist high, very thick grassy cover. No way to see down to the ground...
  17. Chestle

    Brittany or Pointer

    Cute pup!
  18. Chestle

    ArcGIS Explorer App for Hunting Atlas

    This also works with the South Dakota Hunting Atlas. Probably any state that has a GIS atlas.
  19. Chestle

    ArcGIS Explorer App for Hunting Atlas

    OK, it IS in ArcGIS Field Maps. That's in the app store and you can find the KDWP 2022-2023 WIHA in that Field Maps app. Thanks BDC2.