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  1. Chestle


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  2. Chestle

    2023 Nest Predator Bounty Program

    A golf ball will work too.
  3. Chestle

    2023 Nest Predator Bounty Program

    I think it's a good thing to encourage trapping, especially the youth aspect. Puts a little money in their pocket, gets them outdoors and introduces them to responsibility. I'm sure the idea is to take them by trapping or shooting them but hey, a dead skunk is a dead skunk. Doesn't matter if...
  4. Chestle

    Remington premiere O/U 12 gauge

    Sabatti. Looks like they started selling them around 2009.
  5. Chestle

    Lab Breeder - Dallas area

    I apologize for my apparently weak attempt at humor concerning matching Lab hair color to your wardrobe. I do know we vacuum up enough in a week to make a nice sweater.
  6. Chestle

    Lab Breeder - Dallas area

    I've had 2 chocolates. The first big male was so good that he was the foundation of the line my vet partner and I developed. He pointed, he retrieved, he handled. Incredible nose; did the old point another rooster in mid-retrieve with another rooster in his mouth. Just an awesome dog. I owned a...
  7. Chestle

    Rate your past season

    Any season where I get out with my Labs and get some hours in the field is successful. If the team gets a bunch of birds in the bag, it's a fantastic season. This was a very, very good season.
  8. Chestle

    Lab Breeder - Dallas area

    It all depends on your desired wardrobe colors. If you are a black and gray wardrobe type of guy, get a black. If you tend toward the earth tones...khaki, tan, light browns, get a yellow. Dark browns? Get a chocolate. Follow me for more Labrador hair tips.
  9. Chestle

    Unhappy with my home state (MN) hunters.

    I think it's a percentage thing. Any state's population of hunters has some unknown percentage of the inconsiderate hunters. That percentage is likely about the same for all individual states IMO. I don't think any particular state is holier than thou in this aspect. Now of all Out of State...
  10. Chestle

    January Report

    In my experience personally and in my group, we shoot better on the front end of a 10 day license than on the back end. I think fatigue plays a role. When we are fresh on the scene and eager to start the season we focus in better and swing the shotguns better. After a week of tromping the...
  11. Chestle

    The truth about Prairie Storm

    With a bit of work, it's a do-able thing. If you can find a Browning Citori CXS Micro 20ga, it has 24" barrels. It's a "youth" gun with a 13" length of pull but was designed so that a full size stock can be installed. I don't think they're making it anymore so you'd have to find one. I...
  12. Chestle

    Do you shoot coyotes while pheasant hunting?

    Same for us. Also told to shoot any of the nest robbing types that we see
  13. Chestle

    Rattlesnake protection- real experience please

    There are companies that make snake proof chaps and gaiters. I had some when I lived in Georgia. Double layer 1000 denier nylon below the knee. They were hot when worn.
  14. Chestle

    Vintage/older Over Unders

    Ithaca/SKB 500 12/3” Duck in 1979 Weatherby/SKB Orion 12 1983 SKB Sporting 12 early 90s I think SKB 85TSS 20 a little later Still have them all Yes, I like the Japanese SKBs
  15. Chestle

    Pheasant Legs-butchering

    AKP has the answer IMO. My group crockpots the legs and thighs with celery/onion/carrot/salt/pepper. Set it on high till it gets bubbling and then low until the meat easily pulls away. Drain it, easily remove bones/tendons/shot/etc. Use it in multiple ways. Makes great pheasant salad...
  16. Chestle

    Old Breast Wound

    As the season goes on there's always more birds that have had previous hunter encounters and escaped with (as they said in the old movies).... just a flesh wound.
  17. Chestle

    From Brookings County Wildlife Federation on ...

    I think KS is an example of compensatory moving to additive. I understand why KS keeps the limit at 4 but IMO they are now in the additive zone with that limit due to habitat loss.
  18. Chestle

    From Brookings County Wildlife Federation on ...

    For the reasons mentioned, it doesn't make sense to close the season early at this point. Just not that many people out hunting now. I get the idea of the compensatory mortality thing. However....why then have a 3 rooster limit? Why not 4 or 5? A couple more shouldn't be additive right? I...