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  1. Chestle

    Question on Garmin tt15 collar

    Don’t know about your wife’s reset but there is a master reset for the tt15.
  2. Chestle

    At what point do you retire your dog?

    This. Exactly this.
  3. Chestle

    How to get better at wingshooting

    You know the old New York joke, right? ”Hey mister, how go you get to Carnegie Hall?” “Practice, practice, practice!” Yeah. Same with wing shooting.
  4. Chestle

    Lab raw spot on leg Had a Lab that developed a lick granuloma from what started as a wire cut on his lower left rear leg. Worked on it for years. Kinda controlled it but it never really healed completely. Your pic looks like the start of one to me but...
  5. Chestle

    Dog Instincts

    This has really piqued my interest.
  6. Chestle

    Dog Instincts

    Watch The Hidden lives of Pets on Netflix. Dogs apparently have a built in temp sensor in their noses. Interesting shows I thought. 4 shows about 50 minutes each
  7. Chestle

    Pen-Reared Pseudo Roosters

    Very handsome young chocolate. Congratulations!
  8. Chestle

    SDGFP News

    Probably harvest 3 or 4 million cock birds this year. Bring your friends. Love, SD GFP
  9. Chestle


    This week brought some improvement.
  10. Chestle

    Pheasant update

    I'm not expecting a great year. Probably a below average year. Sure, every state is going to have hot pockets of birds and if you hit those you'll be claiming a great year was had. The real question is where do you think it's going to be better overall statewide than SD?
  11. Chestle

    Need Help on Gun Upgrade!

    Can't really ask for better customer service than that.
  12. Chestle

    From the Aberdeen coaltion

    The people I know in North Central SD that are 60 years and older says it’s one of if not THE worst winter in their lifetimes. Shouldn’t hurt the birds at all.
  13. Chestle

    From the Aberdeen coaltion

    In other news the inflation rate is at a 100 year low.
  14. Chestle

    No Fall Turkey in Kansas

    No Fall Pheasant next?
  15. Chestle

    Do you shoot coyotes while pheasant hunting?

    Yes, every year. It's a state contract. I have a friend that occasionally flies (literally) shotgun for him. I believe they are using a Cub with the doors taken off. Says wearing your snowmobile gear isn't enough to keep you warm! Mostly though I think the pilot does the flying and the...
  16. Chestle

    Do you shoot coyotes while pheasant hunting?

    Well, one of the the SD state authorized and paid contract airborne coyote hunters is just 8 shy of 3000 killed coyotes so far this year. He figures he has about 2 more weeks of hunting, so it'll be over 3000 this year. So what does GF&P really think about coyotes?
  17. Chestle

    16 Gauge Afficianados - Quality Ammo and $7.99 Flat Rate Shipping On Any Quantity

    Good catch Munster. Oops. Didn't clip enough in the screen grab. It's Scheels.
  18. Chestle

    16 Gauge Afficianados - Quality Ammo and $7.99 Flat Rate Shipping On Any Quantity 16ga #5s at $28 per box. 4s at $18/box. 6s at $15/box. $7.99 Flat Rate Shipping for 1 box or 100 boxes. They are...
  19. Chestle

    Number 5 or 6? Pattern Pics Included.

    Pen raised birds, I think 6s are more than adequate. I've killed a bunch of those birds with AA #7 1/2 trap loads. Wild birds, I like quality 5s. Shots tend to be farther out and wild birds have an incredible will to escape/live. I think the 5s break bones a lot more effectively than 6s. All...