Search results

  1. walk213

    Sylmar, Cuga or Other?

    This trip to Eastern, Colorado started out with a lot of action as Echo put me on birds just minutes into our hunt. We only hunted about an hour when I made a non-lethal shot on a rooster. Echo barreled through multiple barbed wire fences chasing the running pheasant. While she retrieved the...
  2. walk213

    Observations from the Field - 12/6/20

    We hunted a different part of Eastern, Colorado yesterday. I had planned to hunt both public and private land. Unfortunately, when I drove by the WIAs, there was nothing to hunt unless earthworms were my quarry. We also went to a few favorite private spots. Three years ago we would see 20 or...
  3. walk213

    Three Day Trip Video

    Thanks for watching. We did well with what we saw. I didn't have to edit out many misses this time. We need cold and snow. Let's see what happens after that occurs. It was so warm.
  4. walk213

    Three Day Trip Video

  5. walk213

    Mixed Bag - Our Opening Day

    Thank you. We actually did it again yesterday! Lucky but I will take it.
  6. walk213

    Mixed Bag - Our Opening Day

    Thank you. I own both a Benelli Ethos (12g) and a Benelli 828u. Decent shot with the Ethos. Despite some good practice, not great with the 828u. Need to work on that.
  7. walk213

    Mixed Bag - Our Opening Day

    Echo and I had a great day in the field. We are appreciative and fortunate.
  8. walk213

    Average drive time to hunt

    500+ miles round trip. We hunt 8 to 15 days a year.
  9. walk213

    A Labrador Retriever Struggling Retrieving Birds (video) - Advice Appreciated

    I appreciate the in I appreciate the invite. That is kind of you. Unfortunately, I live in Parker, Colorado. I have thanked every person that offered guidance to me. I appreciate the professional insight provided as I am not a gun dog trainer. There has been nasty comments posted about me on...
  10. walk213

    A Labrador Retriever Struggling Retrieving Birds (video) - Advice Appreciated

    Hey Labs, I am not offended by any of the criticisms of me. Some contributors to my post felt it necessary to denigrate me. Perhaps that makes them feel better about themselves. Your story hits home. I thought that I was ok with gun dogs because Echo and I are in sync in the field. I was...
  11. walk213

    A Labrador Retriever Struggling Retrieving Birds (video) - Advice Appreciated

    I appreciate your critique without the sarcasm, insults and pompous attitude. I am not a dog trainer. I didn't start hunting birds until I was 41 (52 now). I had to learn to hunt on my own. I make no excuses for my failures, but I try really hard to get better. I have shot well over 150 wild...
  12. walk213

    A Labrador Retriever Struggling Retrieving Birds (video) - Advice Appreciated

    I appreciate the advice, and I am sure I will eventually become a better dog handler.
  13. walk213

    A Labrador Retriever Struggling Retrieving Birds (video) - Advice Appreciated

    I watched a video hosted by Rick Stawski. Ironically, he repeats his sit command multiple times with reinforcement via the e-collar. Most of the advice I have been provided tells me that I should only say the command once.
  14. walk213

    A Labrador Retriever Struggling Retrieving Birds (video) - Advice Appreciated

    I appreciate your feedback. Obviously, we have a material issue with Josey, and the training that she has participated in to date. I need to get better with training. This situation was unexpected as Echo (4.5 years old) is obedient and effective after going through the same "program". We will...
  15. walk213

    A Labrador Retriever Struggling Retrieving Birds (video) - Advice Appreciated

    Thank you for the insight, Mike. Other than force fetching, what are the other holes that I have to work on? I will need to attempt to employ some of the techniques that I watched on YouTube. I probably need time with a professional trainer as well. Admittedly, my dog training skills are limited.
  16. walk213

    A Labrador Retriever Struggling Retrieving Birds (video) - Advice Appreciated

    Do you have a video or pictures? Thank you for the advice.
  17. walk213

    A Labrador Retriever Struggling Retrieving Birds (video) - Advice Appreciated

    Thank you for the detailed response. We will focus only on fetch. I try to make it fun for her, but I am a bit frustrated. A lab that does not retrieve?! She actually will lick the bird. I have not seen that before. I am going to hunt her with Echo. Echo can find a single bird in a half...
  18. walk213

    A Labrador Retriever Struggling Retrieving Birds (video) - Advice Appreciated

    Thank you. Believe it or not, she has been force fetched. Didn't take.
  19. walk213

    A Labrador Retriever Struggling Retrieving Birds (video) - Advice Appreciated

    Josey is a 15 month old Labrador Retriever. She is the niece to my 4.5 year old, Echo. Josey has been through some formal training that included force fetching techniques. We worked with Josey all summer on her retrieving to hand, and holding the bumper. She has come a long way as bumper work...
  20. walk213

    Lets See Your some pic's

    Echo year 4 heading into year 5.