Recent content by Miforester

  1. Miforester

    New 28ga

    Just picked up my new pea shooter, cz teal sxs 28ga. Fit and finish are good, this is the second one they shipped as the first had a scratch thru the finish on the firearm so I had them return it and send another one. Excited to take her out and run sum lead thru her.
  2. Miforester

    At what age you cut down dogs?

    Not sure what you are asking, number of dogs in the field at the same time or number of dogs owned? I'm 57 and will run up to three or four dogs at a time in pheasant country. When grouse hunting only run one dog at a time. I currently have 4 dogs.
  3. Miforester

    Might be a bismuth shortage.

    Looking at the shot size, unless I'm reading it wrong on Joe's measurements the #5's were actually larger than the #4's which would account for the difference in pellet count, also seems like the #5 were a little more consistent in size, granted this was a very small sample size. Interesting data.
  4. Miforester

    HB 1236 Safety Zone Increase

    That is good to know if SD, I have always used the 660 buffer for public lands that are adjacent to feedlots or dwellings. I'm assuming this rule applies to WPA's, GMA's, and CREP?
  5. Miforester

    Hug for dog for me today

    Sorry for your loss never easy, but know Max will always be with you.
  6. Miforester

    New 28ga

    It's F/M, thanks I'm happy with her.
  7. Miforester

    New 28ga

    Love the wood on the 2 on the right. Here is my 16, 1943 was it's birth date
  8. Miforester

    20ga or 12ga for upland birds

    I hunt SD and NE most of the time with my 20ga. It is more than enough to take down roosters. But when I'm out west I bring an arsenal that includes 12, 20, 16 and soon to be 28.
  9. Miforester

    Hug for dog for me today

    Gave all 4 of mine a hug! Your family and Max will be in our thoughts. I'm glad he is still with us!
  10. Miforester

    HB 1236 Safety Zone Increase

    A5, thanks for bringing thus to light, both in this forum and on Facebook, well at least you were the one I first read about this. As an out of state hunter I will abide by the rules of the state, but glad good sense prevailed as many of the public don't understand the limited effective...
  11. Miforester

    New 28ga

    Well LC you shamed me into a purchase, plus I like your name as I have a nice 16 GA LC, just can't afford the sub gauges. Don't judge just let me believe my rationale...🤥.
  12. Miforester

    New 28ga

    That looks like a nice little gun, thanks for the link and sorry for doubting you.
  13. Miforester

    New 28ga

    Bobwhite is English stock, the Teal is a great o/u. I got a 12ga for my son a few years back.
  14. Miforester


    My dad was a bird hunter and that is how I got into chasing birds. Started when I was probably 7 or 8 carrying a Red Ryder BB gun as he hunted with our Britt Nellie. Only hunting I knew, didn't start deer hunting until I was in my mid twenties, but bird hunting has my heart. We always went to...
  15. Miforester

    Released birds - the numbers

    It seem I recall my older family members, 30 to 40 years older than me, I'm 56, talk about conservation efforts where pheasant eggs where places under free range hens. The hens would hatch and "teach" chicks to feed and survive, they didn't have a coup to roost. This was the method at the time...