Recent content by merriammonster

  1. M

    It has begun!

    Got a blue today as well and got my truck back from Craig!
  2. M

    Sage Grouse

    That’s awesome! Great job! Unfortunately I didn’t see anything in Colorado this year. I’ve been wanting to hunt Wyoming for a while now, it’s nice to see that there are still birds up there. Thank you the post.
  3. M

    Colorado Sage Grouse

    I witnessed the same, lots of good water and vegetation but no sign and I didn’t flush anything. Several years of drought and a tough winter?
  4. M

    2020/2021 Pheasant Phorcast

    It’s true, the drought and everything else makes not even worth it. Sucks... I don’t know what to say. 🤦‍♂️
  5. M

    King of Pheasants: Biggest rooster of 2017-2018 season

  6. M

    Last years late walk in access brochure

    Does anyone have the late walk in access brochure pdf for 2016?
  7. M

    Fall turkey with dogs?

  8. M

    Unconventional bird dogs

  9. M

    Post your best pheasant measurements of the season!!!

    11/16 inch spur, 20.5 inch tail, weld county