LC Smith's latest activity

  • LC Smith
    LC Smith replied to the thread Blind Retrieve.
    I love watching these dogs work a duck that keeps ducking and diving.
  • LC Smith
    LC Smith reacted to AKSkeeter's post in the thread Blind Retrieve with Like Like.
    My pup's first hunting blind retrieve last October on a hun hunt in Montana. . . she recovered the mallard after about 10 minutes of...
  • LC Smith
    LC Smith reacted to BRITTMAN's post in the thread Lab guys sorry but.... with Like Like.
    I have friends with labs that have hunt test titles and dogs they are training to get titles. I can be friends with lab owners ;)
  • LC Smith
    LC Smith reacted to Wind River's post in the thread Why I love labs with Like Like.
    Whiskey, I asked for a 1/4" box wrench. (y)
  • LC Smith
    LC Smith replied to the thread Why I love labs.
    Whisky is a pro at fetching tools for DIY projects!
    • IMG_5736.jpeg
  • LC Smith
    LC Smith reacted to Drew's post in the thread Why I love labs with Like Like.
    I have seen some incredible Lab retrieves that I believe would kill the Griffon that I have now. I once watched my Dad's Lab retrieve a...
  • LC Smith
    LC Smith reacted to Wind River's post in the thread Which Barrel First For Over/Under with Like Like.
    It is your preference, but everyone I know shoots bottom first, less muzzle jump and faster to target on the second shot. Maybe not so...
  • LC Smith
    Interesting. I could see that being slightly better. But very heavy stress on slightly. I think the biggest one I actually believe. The...
  • LC Smith
    LC Smith replied to the thread Blind Retrieve.
    Skeeter, I would have loved to have seen that retrieve in action. This past fall, while in SD, Whisky got to do a legit blind on a...
  • LC Smith
    LC Smith reacted to AKSkeeter's post in the thread Blind Retrieve with Like Like.
    My labs routinely do 300 yard blind retrieves in competition. My most memorable blind hunting was less than 5 yards. Shot a pair of huns...
  • LC Smith
    LC Smith replied to the thread Pointer vs Flusher Poll.
    LBH... I appreciate your view. I do have a Pointing Lab and consider him to be more pointer than flusher. When I was hunting in SD last...
  • LC Smith
    LC Smith replied to the thread Pointer vs Flusher Poll.
    Does a Pointing Lab count towards "both" in the poll?