Recent content by HS Strut

  1. HS Strut

    2024 Reports

    You’re spot on. Indiana does have a few but there’s very little cover up NW where they should be.
  2. HS Strut

    November Game Bird Draw

    Not Selected. I’ve been selected 3 times since around 1990?
  3. HS Strut

    Muck/Rubber Boots For Upland

    For me, grass is often times wet if for no other reason frost in the morning. Sometimes gotta cross creeks. Sometimes might cut through some cattails hoping to stay dry but ending up sinking into some soft stuff can ruin a hunt real quick
  4. HS Strut

    Muck/Rubber Boots For Upland

    Man wearing rubber boots putting in the miles we do is the worst experience. My feet would be raw. I wear leather lace ups….and you’re 💯 that they will Leak. Which is why I’ve moved to sealskinz socks. Problem solved. Well fitting boot, no blisters. Dry feet. My 2 cents
  5. HS Strut

    Good huntin' songs

    I named my new Lab pup "Good Lord Lorrie"
  6. HS Strut

    Lab guys sorry but....

    We would only walk a mile/day if I was by myself. We would limit out Quick! But there are always guys without dogs. We hunt all day helping them. I've never let her jump down out of the truck. Always set her down. I believe that is unnecessary joint pounding that can easily be avoided. Always...
  7. HS Strut

    Lab guys sorry but....

    So funny. My lab just finished her 8th season. Went to ND hunted hard, I walked 6+ miles per day, and she never took a walk off. She's the only dog I had. Everybody told me I couldn't go to ND, SD etc with one dog? Well, it appears to me that if you don't have a lab you keep in good condition...
  8. HS Strut

    Lets See Your some pic's

    Here’s my new pup “Good Lord Lorrie.” Got her this weekend from Blaine Winans at Winans Retriever Kennels. Blaine specializes in British Labs and I think he’s doing a nice job breeding and training. Excited to see what this little dumplin turns into.
  9. HS Strut

    Bringing Home a New PUP

    So I have an 8yr old female Lab, a little Shi Tzu and I'm bring home a new Lab puppy next weekend. Anybody have any advise or suggestions on introducing the new pup to the keepers of the home? They all live inside. I know dogs can be territorial....wondering if any of you have a common practice...
  10. HS Strut

    How many birds would you lose/find without a dog?

    I'll never go back to hunting without a dog again but I did for years. You'd be surprised. In order to get close enough for a shot you must be very quiet. Flushes are very close and if you get out front and shoot them where they're going you'll lose very few because they will be stone dead when...
  11. HS Strut

    Look I really need help on this one

    Good Reading so far....Here's my two cents: I would do my best to find some ground near food, be it corn, beans or food plots etc...I'd hunt edges as near as I could to food. We all want to find a small parcel to hunt alone but tbh, I rarely do well at these and I believe it's because we ALL...
  12. HS Strut

    Kennel cover question

    Couldn't agree more. My dog LOVES her crate. Travels like a champ. Gets right out and does her business when we stop and jumps right back in.
  13. HS Strut

    Kennel cover question

    I've had my lab in her mud river kennel for 8 years. She lays with her nose near the door so I always Just leave maybe 6'' unzipped down at the bottom when it's 30's or colder. Not unusual for her to spend 12-14 hours in it while driving out to SD. She's an inside dog at home so I'm not...
  14. HS Strut

    2023 Hunt

  15. HS Strut

    Looking for a new to me 28 gauge. Reccomendations.

    I consistently kill birds at 40 with a 20 gauge IC choke. The key is, when you can, get out front. shoot them where they're going not where they've been. Sometimes they don't provide you the angle you need to hit the head? When that happens even a 12 gauge doesn't get the job done a lot of the...