Recent content by graygus

  1. graygus

    Tripping or Falling

    Falling and getting stuck by myself is why my wife doesn't want me to hunt alone. I hunted with an AFO brace from my knee to my foot for a few years. On one hunt I fell into a badger hole covered by snow. Thankfully I had a hunting partner with me that day.
  2. graygus

    Looking for a new 20 or 16 gauge side by side shotgun...your opinions are welcomed!

    I have a Rizzini 552 16 gauge. It shoulders very well for me. I really like everything about it. Fit & Finish is good.
  3. graygus

    Can I have all three?

    I haven't encountered snakes in MT either.
  4. graygus

    SOLD Benelli 28 Gauge Briley Spectrum Chokes

    3) 28 gauge Benelli Spectrum chokes for sale. 2) Black Oxide 1) Skeet 1) Light Mod Retail from Briley $82.95 each 1) Spectrum Modified Retail $74.95 each $100 Shipped CONUS for all 3
  5. graygus

    Browning Citori

    Great find
  6. graygus

    Looking for potential hunting partners in south central nebraska

    I may be interested. I also have a 5yr old Setter.
  7. graygus

    SOLD Truck Vault

    Moved to the SW downsized to a smaller truck is the only reason I am selling it.
  8. graygus

    SOLD Truck Vault

    Well used but still very functional 2 drawer Truck Vault 63" Long x 49.5" Wide Combo Locks. Located in Mesquite NV pick up only no shipping. $500
  9. graygus

    Who Hunts With A Field Cocker?

    I would recommend talking to Gene Barnhart he has bred and trained field bred Cockers for a long time. 360-798-0325
  10. graygus

    Nevada resident new to the forum

    Where are you located in NV? I just moved to Mesquite
  11. graygus

    Nevada resident new to the forum

    Great Looking Setters
  12. graygus

    CSMC Revelation 20 Gauge

    Yes it's my coffee mug coaster
  13. graygus

    CSMC Revelation 20 Gauge

    Like New, CSMC Revelation 20 gauge, 28" barrels, Case Hardened Receiver, 3" Chamber, 5 Factory Choke Tubes SK, IC, M, IM, F, 14.5 LOP. 6lbs, I am not sure that this gun has ever been shot. Great looking bird hunting gun. I do not have the original box. $1800 plus $75 Shipping to FFL CONUS
  14. graygus

    For Sale Remington 1100 Classic Feild 16 SOLD

    Gun will ship in plano hard case
  15. graygus

    Bad News Knee - Now the Good News!

    I agree with those who say they wish they hadn't put off the replacement surgery. I feel so much better with my new knee.