Recent content by gock5

  1. gock5

    20ga or 12ga for upland birds

    I started using a 20 gauge (Stevens O/U 555e) about 4 years ago. Mostly due to weight of the gun. I haven't noticed any additional cripples using a smaller gauge shotgun from my 12 gauge 870 Wing master. Plus I have a dog that has only not found one bird the past 5 years. Actually I think...
  2. gock5

    Dogs over 10

    Thumb's Up on the Dasuquin...give it to my 6 yr old YLF. She had double TPLO surgery when she was 3.
  3. gock5

    Looking for a New O/U

    Stevens 550e has been a great gun for me. Lightweight for easy carrying. Good price point. Good, solid gun for the past 3 years for me.
  4. gock5

    Vest suggestions

    I'm looking as well. Down to between the Kuiu (out of stock, and Marsupial ( Thoughts on both?
  5. gock5

    Lets See Your some pic's

    My daughter and her husband...controlled Pheasant Hunt at Moraine View in IL.
  6. gock5

    Lets See Your some pic's

    Controlled Pheasant Hunt - State
  7. gock5

    Needing another lab!!!

    One of Teddy's offsprings is in my photo, Sookie 6 yr old (next month) YLF. Unbelievable family dog and hunting dog. Hasn't failed to find/bring back any of our downed birds. Could even be better if she had a better trainer (me). :) We'll be getting another pup in the next 6 months from...
  8. gock5

    Lets see some pics of your Bird dogs

    Friday, Dec 29th hunt at a controlled release DNR site. Good day with my daughter and son-in-law!
  9. gock5

    Low Hunter numbers

    I don't have a Facebook account. How do i get in touch with the Iroquois County chapter of PF? Thanks!
  10. gock5

    Why do you got what you got?

    1st dog - Chessie (upland and waterfowl, mostly waterfowl) with a 870 Wingmaster for upland and a 1187 SuperMag SP for waterfowl 2nd dog - YLF (upland and waterfowl, split evenly) with a Stevens O/U 555E 20 ga for upland the the same 1187 for waterfowl I did a lot better training the YLF than...
  11. gock5

    Lets See Your some pic's

    Sookie (YLF, 1 year old) with my nephew's dog. Successful day.